As long as I've known Medelys I haven't heard her mention her sister once. So one day we were wandering around Silvermoon City. Medelys needed to get back to Dalaran so she had sent a message around town: "LF mage port to dal. tipping 50g" translation: "Looking for a mage to port to Dalaran. tipping 50 gold". Right after she finished posting, several mages came swarming to her. I didn't really need a portal because I kept my Kirin Tor ring to port me to Dalaran whenever I needed to but I figured I'd go and tag along. Then from the back of the crowd of mages someone says "I'll port you there for free!" of course anyone will take that offer. Knowing they're not gonna give a free port, the rest of the crowd dissipates and the girl walks forward. Medelys says under her breath, "no frackin' way". I asked her what was wrong and then I look at the girl and she looks just like Medelys just a little more girly and with longer hair. She walks up to the girl and they talk for a little bit then they walk over to me and Medelys introduces us. "Skully, this is my sister Christene. Christene, this is my best friend Deadskully". "Ohhhh, I didn't know you had a sister" after I said that out loud that didn't sound very good. I didn't know my best friend had a sister? /facepalm. "Oh it's ok, I don't tell people I have a sister either"... awkward. "Alrightee then, I'll leave you two to do some catching up." Then they both say at the same time "oh no, you don't have to go"... sounds like they didn't really wanna reminisce about old times or see what eachothers have been up to. eh, oh well. Maybe I should try and get the both of them to talk more. We'll see what happens. "Hey so are we gonna get that free port?" Medelys asks. "no, I just wanted to watch them all leave"... "WHAT?... are you kidding me?!?!?!... Now I have to go post all over again!?!?" "For cripes sake, calm down I was just kidding, looks like your temper hasn't changed one bit. still got a short fuse huh." Medelys just looked at her sister with the meanest green eyes ever. I had to cut the tension. "Thank you so much for the port, let me give you that 50gold tip".. "no no I said I'd do it for free, it's no problem" Christene puts up the portal for us and the 3 of us go through. Great I forgot to bring a bigger cloak. Northrend is cold as balls. And yes, just because I'm mostly bones and decaying flesh, I still get cold.

Christene is a nice girl, from what I've seen so far, she's a lot more laid back then Medelys, a calm, rational and level headed version. Whereas Medelys is more of a spitfire, rash, go go go kind of girl. Do what I want and I don't care what other people think attitude. The tomboy with pigtals, pants and a huge sword swinging, chops you in half and you'll like it, is what comes to mind when I think of my best friend. And then there's Christene the girly, always brushed long hair, dresses, and casting spells and magic with her wand. Don't get me wrong Christene is very nice, but I'm sure her looks are very deceiving compared to the damage she can dish out. I need to find out what happened between the two of them. It's gonna be on my mind until I find out so I figured I'd ask them. I'm sure they'll both tell me different stories if I asked them separately so I needed to ask them together.
It actually turned out to be quite civil and they did argue different sides too much.
Over the time I've known Medelys she's actually gotten a lot better at controlling her temper. Maybe it has a lot to do with Serogate. He's a very relaxed dude and maybe some of that is rubbing off on her. Or maybe she's just getting older and more mature. Either way it's a good change. The 3 of us were walking around Dalaran for the most part in awkward silence so I popped the question right there. "Sooooo, what happened to the two of you that made you guys stop talking to eachother?"... they both stopped and looked at me with the "I can believe you just asked that" look on their faces. Medelys looks at Christene and asked her if she wanted to tell the story. Of course she says no. Medelys says she'll tell the abreviated version of it, and just to let me know, it wasn't anything huge and shocking.

About 6 or 7 years ago when they both were getting used to their abilities their parents split up and their dad took Medelys and the mom took Christene. Dad taught Medelys the ways of the Paladin and Christene was taught by their mother who was a Mage
So I went off to hang out with Marcia Chase fishing at the Dalaran Fountain to kill time while they were off "bonding", or so I hoped. I missed Marcia. she was my last fishing trainer in Northrend. Taught me how to fish up the elusive Deepsea Monsterbelly. Everyday I was over here helping her with errands. Fished up about 50 coins by the time the two girls got back. Christene needed to meet someone down in Sholazar Basin so she needed to go. We said our goodbyes and a really good sign came in the form of a hug and plans to meet up tomorrow. Yay! they DID bond.
I was so eager to hear the whole story, but I didn't know how sensitive the subject was still for Medelys so I left it at that. I just asked Medelys, "in one word, yay or nay?"... she replied "meh"... That wasn't an option!!! Grrrr!!!