I have tried for a long time to keep my distance from Deathknights. I just always perceived them to be scary and mean. I found out today that they're all not as bad as I had imagined.

I was running around in Grizzly Hills today and I ran into some Alliance in Venture Bay. The only reason I landed there was because Albie strained her wing so I needed to make an emergency landing. All of a sudden three Alliance jerks came up from behind us and started attacking. Zhargak was holding two of them back while I was trying to protect Albie from the third one. One of them got away from Zhargak and came running towards us. I had no weapons on me and my gear was all in my bag. I was completely not ready for this fight. Out of nowhere a Deathknight deathgrips one of the Alliance and killed him, then she took out the other one and by that time her deathgrip was ready to go again and she swiped the alliance away from Zhargak and finished him off just like the other two.
Oh my god, thank you so much! I told her. "It's no problem, I hate alliance scum" I offered her gold, but she kindly declined. "My name is Killmecow, nice to meet you"... "Well they certainly didn't kill you cow..." wow, that was lame /facepalm... I quickly introduced myself hoping she didn't hear that fail comment. "I never heard that one before"... and we both laughed. "Lets get out of here before more of them stroll on over" she says. "Meet me at Conquest Hold " I bring out Violet for this flight. Albie needed a break. We both arrive at Conquest Hold and sit inside the big building on the stairs and talked for a good long while. We have lot of things in common. For instance, she mainly lives her day to day life trying to help people in need with tasks but the bulk of the gold she gets from doing them are given to the Orphanage in Thunderbluff.

She was abandoned by her parents and was taken in by Cairne Bloodhoof and was taught by Truak Runetotem to be a Druid. When she was younger Turak made somekind of deal with Highlord Darion Mograine to give him 5 souls to begin his army of Elites known as Deathknights. When Killmecow got older, Darion came to collect. She had no choice and when told about the deal she gladly went without fight because she had felt betrayed by Turak, the person she looked up to like father. How could the one person whom you trusted most in your life, sell you to the "devil" so to speak, and Killmecow vowed to never do that, and only fight if provoked and to defend the innocent. I'm not too sure what the details as to why the deal was made but I'm sure it was nothing shy of evil. She was taught to be a Frost DK and was taught by Amal'thazad. The only way she was able to leave was by becoming friends with Grimwing the Flight master on Ebon Hold. She went to him, asked/demanded a move and he let her go. Usually they need to get permission from their trainers allowing them to enter back into Azeroth, but Grimwing let her go. There were alot of Deathknights so one going AWOL would go unnoticed. She was able to go back in and train with Amal'thazad and no one said anything about it.

Killmecow looks scary, but she was not what I had expected in a DK. She was really nice and even offered to escort us if we needed to go somewhere. Mainly because she wasn't doing anything. All Zhargak and I were doing was flying around and fishing. Medelys and Christene were asking if I could make them some food with the buffs that they needed and I didn't have plans so I told them sure. And that's why I was in Northrend without any gear on. Just my weather beaten fishing hat and my jeweled fishing pole.
I'm glad I ran into Killmecow and I'm glad she was nice enough to help out a fellow Hordie. Let me tell you from past experiences, there are alot of jerks out there that would have turned the other way. There's something about this DK that makes me want to be her friend and know more about her. My perception of DK's up until this point were all negative. She proved me wrong and I'm glad to have eaten my words. The only other DK I know, not personally, is Bageezus' sidekick Hurtsdonut. All I know about him is that he likes to kill things and he doesn't like me because he says that I make Bageezus soft. Whatever! Anywhos, so yeah I now have a new friend, Killmecow the Tauren Deathknight. I would not have imagined this in a hundred years.