Why did I decide to stop off at a camp of drunken pirates, I will never know. Anywhos, I was running down on the coast near Silverpine and loud ruckus caught my attention. A bunch of Pirates were drinking and I would like to say were having a good time but it looked liked they were miserable and messy drunk for the most part.

I sat down to watch them make fools of themselves. I watched one pirate in particular for a good long while. He sat on the ground after getting a mug of beer, and I kid you not, got up about ten more times to refill his mug. After about the tenth one, he got up slowly, stumbled a couple of times and leaned on a wall and puked. All while still holdin his beer mug. That was sooo gross. I have no idea what kind of beer they were drinking but his puke was like neon green, it did not look right. Eh, all I know is if anyone offers me that crap, I ain't drinking it.

I was done watching this dude so I went over to a camp fire and saw several of them sleeping around the fire. Every so often one dude would stand up and cheer randomly. That was hilarious. No one was saying anything or doing anything with him and he would just do that. And then another guy would be lying down and started punching the air. I'm starting to think this all wasn't beer at all. It was some kind of nutso sauce.

Alright moving on. Near another fire, a pirate was telling a story and I think this was his pet or something. It was a huge chicken. He was called Pepe the Bush Chicken. He just stood there looking like he wanted to peck these idiot's eyes out or something. Funny funny purple bush chicken.
When I had enough laughs for he night, I was leaving the camp and a pirate was walking towards me. As he got closer I noticed he didn't have his eyes open. Ha Ha, he was sleep/ drunk walking. I moved out of his way and he continued straight on into a wall. Head on the wall and legs still going. Oh boy, I took mental pictures that will cheer me up for several days to come. Glad I stopped by here. I think I could have done without the puke tho.