Gosh!!! I hate it when buttfaces are mounted on huge drakes or mammoths and everyone is trying to see around them to a vendor or someone that is asking for our help. They are blocking them, just shy of standing directly on them and smashing them to death. They think it's funny because no one can see them no matter which direction they try to go around. Well jokes on them because when ever I see someone pulling that crap I throw some Baby Spice on them and it shrinks them down to where we all can see the person we're trying to talk to.

The only way to get some of the Baby Spice if from helping Cooking Trainer Awilo Lon'gomba in Dalaran with his daily tasks. I'm running low on Baby Spice because it seems that there are more and more jerks around lately that I have to shrink. I think I better start helping Awilo again. I haven't been to Dalaran in so long.

Sweet, Mustard Dogs! I love it when he needs me to do this task. I have to go around Dalaran and Collect 4 Wild Mustards in the grass, and make 4 Rhino Dogs and put them into a picnic basket that he provides for me and I bring it to Archmage Pentarus up on Krasus' Landing. Alrightee off I go. I gather the mustard I need from the grassy areas and then I went to my bank and got out 4 rhino meats. I Set up a fire and make my rhino dogs and put the neatly in the picnic basket for the Archmage. mount up and fly over to the Landing and give it to Pentarus.

"Oh thank you sweet girl, did Awilo send you? I was starting to get hungry, thank you so much, here is a small spice bag with some goodies in it." Thanks Archmage, and I left the Landing and went back into the Inn. sat down and opened my bag to see what I got. Woot! Baby Spice, just what I wanted! Got some Northern Spices for cooking and 2 Old Spices. The old Spices I also save for special occasions. But that, I use if I pass someone that smells terrible. The label on the container reads: The aged spices makes the target smell great. haha that's always funny. In the past when I've thrown it on people some tend to get offended and spew profanities at me but most are thankful, and they wave or smile at me. Um, I would like someone to tell me if I smelt terrible, wouldn't you? um yeah, that's right!

After I was done with that, I went back to Orgrimmar to see Marogg for his daily task for me to do and sure enough there it was again... a Douchebag standing right on him. I was polite at first and asked him to move, but he didn't even respond. Didn't even give me a "shut up little girl" or anything rude like that. Three other people were around trying to talk to Marogg, but couldn't. Ok fine, he asked for it. I reached in my bag and pulled out a handful of my baby spice and let him have it.
I watched as he got smaller and smaller until we all could see Marogg again. HAHA! and everyone cheered for me and laughed at Moocheeko the douchebag. Hopefully he learns to have some consideration the next time he wants to pull some crap like that again. I don't think getting shrunk on a daily basis is good for anyone.