I went to see Arugi my cooking trainer in Orgrimmar and asked if she needed me to help her with anything. She told me that Marogg right outside the door needed some Swine bellies for a recipe he's making. Oh sweet I know where to get those. Right outside Org there's a pig farm and the pens are always full of piggies. So I went to talk to him and he was so thrilled that I offered to help him with that. I asked him how much he needed and he told me about 6 bellies. Alrightee off I went to kill me some pigs.

Violet and I flew to the pens. Oh yeah, there's more then enough right here. We landed and I crept up from behind the pig farmer's building and looked inside, he wasn't anywhere in sight. Now's my chance. So I walked into the pen and I started to look around. There were babies along with their parents. Geez this was gonna make it that much more difficult for me. Hmmm maybe not. Fel Flame on one, two and three piggies. Um ok, I guess swine bellies are too small on the babies, looks like I'm only killing the big mommies and the daddies.

So I got all the bellies I needed and when we were flying away I looked back at the babies walking around aimlessly, looking for their parents. Remorse sat in. Great. Maybe I should have gone back and killed the babies to put them out of their parentless misery. No no, that would have been too mean. I mean come on now, the farmer can take care of the little ones right? Well just to make myself feel better I'll keep thinking that way.
Went back to Marogg and gave him the bellies. He was so grateful so he gave me 9 gold and 40 silver and 2 cooking rewards. He said that he needs things to be done daily and if I come back to him everyday, he will give me a task and he'll pay for my services and give me rewards that I can use to purchase new recipes from Shazdar right next to him. Sweet! I needed a couple more rewards to purchase my first recipe so you can bet I'll be coming by to help this dude everyday. I just hope he doesn't need Swine Bellies everyday. /tear