Just outside of Orgrimmar, on the coast to the left there is a dock and a boat pulled up. I wonder where this was going to take me? I didn't wanna seem like a noob so I didn't ask anyone around. I just decided to jump on the boat and see where it goes. We sail out and about an hour into our trip the boat comes to an abrupt stop. The Deckhands are screaming that something is grabbing the boat. Then from out of nowhere a huge tentacle comes crashing down across the ship. I almost got smashed if it wasn't for my cloak getting caught on a broken piece of the deck. More tentacles grabbed the ship and finally we all jumped overboard and swam away. We watched the ship go down. Then, as if we were in somekind of Bermuda triangle thing, we all got teleported back into the ship which was at the bottom of the sea. They all were in a panic knowing we were in a sunken ship with no breathing gear on. We needed to find out what to do and where we were. I was the only Undead there so I said I would go out. I don't need to breathe so I can go scout outside. I poked my head out of the ship. Swarms of Naga were circling the sunken ship. Not all the ship crew were teleported into the ship. Several of them were drowning and some were floating dead and the Naga were taking them away. I went back in and told them what I saw then they all jumped in to save their fellow shipmates.

The Naga were too much for them to handle without air so they grabbed whatever crew that they could and swam back while Abatai and I fended them off. I had an idea. I swam out and grabbed a dead Naga and pulled him back to the ship. I sliced him open and pulled out a pouch from his lungs. This is what Nagas use to breath and we are going to use it to breath underwater. It only has about a 10 minute air hold so we are going have to swim fast and no stopping for anyone. I grabbed 6 more Nagas and cut them open like the first one. The crew we saved are going to have to wait here till we can find help. As we were fighting the Nagas I saw bubbles rising in the distance. Bubbles indicate an air source so that's where we are headed.

Abatai and I went first and then the crew followed close. We made a dash for it undetected by the Nagas. Sure enough we could see where the bubbles were coming from... a cave. Hopefully a friendly cave, and not the home of the sea monster that just sunk our ship. We made it and There were others in there. They were from the Earthen Ring faction and were giving people ports back to where ever they needed if they didn't want to help them with some tasks. Hmm I'll stay and help for a bit. I have my hearth and my cloak to port back also if I wanted to. Since the crew knew where this cave was they went back to the ship to get the rest of their mates. I went off to help the Earthen Ring peeps. First I asked them where this place was that we were. "This place is called Vash'jir, The underwater city is home to the Naga, former Highborne Elves who were sucked into the Maelstrom when the original Well if Eternity imploded". Ahhhh, I replied. that was all new to me. Who? and What? nevermind, let me just go off and do these thing for you guys.

My first task that was given to me was to tame my underwater mount. a seahorse! sweetness!! I had to lure this thing, grab onto it tight and not let go. If I stayed on, It finds me worthy to ride it and it lets me keep it. That thing was crazy, almost like riding a real wild horse. That thing tried to buck me off the whole ride. She is beautiful, hopefully she listens to me.

My next task was to find this great white shark and kill it. A sunked ship with a working harpoon on the front was about a half mile out and the shark was known to frequent that area. I was off. Ahhh there was the shark. I loaded up the harpoon and pull the trigger. Harpoon right through him. Ummmm he's not dying. He just looks really really pissed. He turned and swam straight towards me. Cripes! I swam as fast as I could and finally saw him stop and turn sideways. phew he's dead. Done with that monster.

I was swimming a little farther away and everything became calm and peaceful. It's really beautiful down here. Besides all the Naga areas this place is really nice. I wouldn't mind spending a day swimming around here just to check out the awesomeness this place has to offer.

As I was swimming I noticed a huge whale shark of in the distance. He wasn't bothering anyone so I decided to follow him. I kept my distance because you never know with these creatures. He kept swimming deeper and deeper and I lost sight of him. Then I heard this sharp piercing noise coming from a little ways in front of me. As I got closer I saw another smaller whale shark stuck between 3 tentacles. Oh no, they were sucking onto her and wouldn't let go no matter how much she tried to swim away. I gotta help her. I swam down and killed two of them and the third one grabbed onto me! so much for a rescue effort. Then just when I thought I was a goner, the whale shark bit the last tentacle and ripped it right out of the ground and it let me go. I sank to the bottom to recoup and the whale shark came over to me. I thought she was gonna eat me, but she nudged me and swam off. I think that was her way of saying thank you. As she swam away I noticed her belly was awfully plump. I think she was pregnant. I felt really good after that, despite almost becoming creepy tentacle food.

Alright I think I'm done with this place. I kept swimming and it started to get really dark. I thought I was swimming up towards the surface but I wasn't going anywhere. The ocean started to glow bright blue. I looked back and saw this swirling pit. Oh great, I'm so gonna get sucked into this thing and die. I quickly started to Hearth back to Orgrimmar.... hurry hurry hurry. go go Hearthstone.
Ahh back in Org. reminder never go to Vas'jir unless I'm ready for an adventure.