Sarthy and I were flying around Sulfuron Spire in Mount Hyjal waiting for flame pools to spawn back up because I needed to get some volatile fires when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. We flew down closer to see what it was. OMG a puppy was on fire! As we were landing I noticed it wasn't on fire, it WAS the puppy! A little Corehound pup was wandering all by itself. I didn't get too close to it because the mother must be somewhere around here. I decided to leave it alone and get back to my flame pool scouting. 98 Volaile fires, not bad for an hour of bloody hot fishing and flying around. Sarthy is used to this kind of heat so she didn't have a problem with it, I on the other hand was dying, no pun intended.

As we were flying out of the Spire we flew past the ledge where I saw the Corehound pup and the poor thing was still there. OK something must have happened to the mother because she would have been back to get her pup by now I would think. We landed and I decided to take the pup with me. We got back to Orgrimmar and I set him down. He seemed really playful. This thing is a scary two-headed flaming rock baby dog thing. It's really cute tho. Just in case anyone wanted to steal it or it decided to be aggressive and bite someone I put him on a leash and took him for a walk.

I needed to go see Shazdar to buy another cooking recipe so we made our way there. Shazdar saw my pup and immediatly thought he was the cutest thing and asked so much questions about him. Alot of them I didn't know the answers to seeing as I just found him. The big question "what does he eat?" um I don't know. Maybe I should train him to be a vegetarian or something. That way he won't be tempted to bite my leg off and bury it or something. The attention we got from her was awesome, I'm gonna go show him off to more people. So we went to see Arugi my cooking trainer in the building behind Shazdar, and my Warlock trainer, Mirket, down in The Cleft.

We went to walk to see sweet Marith Lazuriq, the Jewelcrafting trainer in the Valley of Honor. I'm not a jewelcrafter but that girl is such a sweetheart I wanted to show her my find. As we were leaving Marith we got a little too close to the water and the little guy flipped out. He started to tug on the leash and I almost lost my grip. Alright little guy we won't go near here again. We went away from the water and I could tell he was still distraught so I took him into The Burning Anvil. There is molten steel running along the floor against the walls so maybe this will make him feel a little more at home. Sure enough it did. He got calm right away. OK so No water and Yes to Hot places. Errr, that's not gonna work for me. Either I take him back where I got him, or I suck it up and be a good owner and give him what he wants every so often. I can do it. I'll keep him.

As I was going back to The Wyvern's Tail Inn I ran into Christene. She saw my pup and asked me where I found him. I told her where and she said it looked like the one she ran into. She saw the pup and was playing with it until it's mother came. She had to book it out of there, the mother chased her for about a mile and it was near a lake that she did end up loosing sight of the mother, but saw smoke and steam rising from the edge of the lake as she looked back. It started to don on us that that might have been the mother of this little corehound pup and Christene killed it. By accident of course. She said this happened about three days ago so if this was the same one, then he was walking around without a mother for three whole days. Alright, that makes me feel better about keeping him.