I was walking by The Broken Tusk Inn yesterday and I could have sworn I saw smoke filling up the room through the windows. I was being my nosey self and walked up to the door and as I was gonna open it three orcs came out laughing and stumbling down the stairs, a cloud of smoke behind them. Was the place on fire?!?!!? As they left, I went inside and there were several others still in there gathered around a table smoking something. It looked like a flower vase with tubes coming out of it. They were all having a good time, not bothering anyone. I asked if I could sit down with them and they all say "of course" at the same time. How nice. One Tauren in particular was extremely sweet.

His name was Gamon. Then out of no where someone runs into the Inn and whacks Gamon over the head with an empty bottle. He get's so upset and he runs out of the Inn and chases this guy down. I was not about to be a little nosey bug on this one. He looked pissed.

I left and the Inn and found Christene. I asked her if she could find me some of this herb called Felweed. Christene looked at me and asked if had smoked any of this. I looked her as dead in the eye as I possibly could and said "Hell no biotch!" We both laughed and she said alright just as long as I knew what it was gonna do. Wow I'm hungry.