I hear such fun things about Archeology but when I decided to find out for myself, I never found it to be exciting as the rumors made it out to seem. It's a pain in the butt to have to fly to all these different places just to dig and find no more then 3 buried pieces of junk. The only reason why I am doing this is because the other day I saw some dude running around with a Bone Raptor.

I asked him where he got it from and he said he found it while doing Archeology. I sooooo want it. I'd need to seriously make sure to buy a saddle for it tho. Bone raptor back plus my boney butt will make for a very uncomfortable riding experience. I hear a lot of people say that Archeology is fun and they like it better then fishing, but I will have to disagree with them. I would go fishing over Archeology any day.

I'm trying to keep focused on my digging duties but I'm getting side tracked a lot. For example running around in Stranglethorn some Darkspear Trolls were asking me to help them kill a Panther that was terrorizing the towns people. I felt bad because there must be a reason why this panther was killing people. Were the trolls all terrorizing the poor thing? They told me that they weren't. The cat would just come into the town whenever it wanted to and took people and they never heard from them again. Hmmm alright that sounds like it does need to be stopped. So I go along with two of the towns people and they show me this cat's cave. We peak around the corner and the there is was, sleeping outside of the cave. This thing was huge. I bring out Zhar'gak for this fight. I send him in first and he tanks the Panther while I cast everything I had... Boom... dead.

While one of the Trolls that came along with me went to get the cat's head I heard a cry coming from the cave.

OMG!. I ran inside and saw a helpless panther cub. My heart sank and I felt so bad I couldn't hold back my tears. This is the reason why the cat was taking townspeople, to feed her baby. I let the Trolls go back to their town before I brought the cub out. I had a feeling they would have wanted to kill the baby as well. I put her in my backpack and Albie and I flew off. Brought her back to Booty Bay with me, washed her off and decided to keep her.