What an idiot I tell you. OK I was cruising around Icecrown on the Horde Battle Airship I was bored and kinda hiding from Medelys. She got on my nerves, but I'll save that story for another day. So anywhos, it's been a long time since I saw Sindragosa's Fall. So as the Airship passed above I guess I got too close to the edge and I lost my footing and went hurling straight towards the snow covered ground.
I think it was because of my clothes that my bones didn't go flying in all different directions on impact. It was pretty funny when I think about it. Embarrassing as hell so I'm glad no one was around to see that.

From the graveyard I had to fly and find my body. Found my body and looked up to the sky and saw the Airship sailing away. That was a long fall. It actually felt even longer during the fall. Maybe because I knew I was gonna go spat and die any second, my brain just tried to prolong my torment. Thank you stupid brain.
I wasn't done riding the Airship so I got on Violet and went back up. Right when I landed everyone was staring at me. As I walked back to the spot I slipped from, 4 guards came up to me and said:
"Be careful missy, you don't wanna fall off the ship again"
"Oh my god that looked like it hurt!"
"Is it smart to sit by the same spot you slipped off the first time?"
"HAHAHAH... that was hilarious!! Do it again"
OMG! that was so shame! I'm outta here!