I got me a new pug the other week. Earlier today I went to take him for a walk. We started our walk in the Valley of Honor at the Bank. I didn't bother putting him on a leash or anything because I knew he wouldn't bite anyone. OK and that's all fine and dandy but pretty soon I noticed that he was trailing behind me. Everytime I looked back he was sniffing the ground in one spot and then he'd catch up to me. Nothing weird there right, I just thought he smelt something from another pet or just doing what dogs do.
We got to the Valley of Strength when I turned around and saw him scooting his butt on the ground and then sniffing where he just scooted. The sniffing part didn't alarm me, that was just gross, but the scooting did.
Why in the world was he doing this? Was there something wrong with him? do I need to take him to the vet? Where is the pet vet around here? I have no idea. I know there is Breanni up in Dalaran, I guess I could go there but I wanted to find someone here in Org to take him to, or just ask, What the heck is wrong with my puppy?

I tried to think and the first thing that popped into my head was the Hunter Trainers. Maybe they can tell me why my dog has this problem. They deal with their pets right? I'm obviously not a hunter, so I couldn't for the life of me remember where the trainers were. I stopped off at Guard and asked him for directions. "They're by the target dummies in that building right up there little missy" Great, thanks!

Perky(my pug) and I went up to the Hunter Trainer and I told him what was going on. He apologized and said that he doesn't know why it's doing that and has no advice for me. But he ended up directing me to the Stable Master through that entry way. I walked in and there was the Stable master Murog. I asked him if he knew anything about little dogs and he just grunted and said "nope". I turned around and saw Ogunaro the Kennel Master shaking his head. Before I could say one word to him I heard "Hey you, little girl, I might be able to help you". Drukma, the Pet Trainer, Was really nice and I told him what the problem was and he knew exactly what I was talking about. I asked if it was from worms or something and he told me no.

"99% of the time, scooting is cause by anal sacs being too full. The fluid in the 'sacs' are not poisinous, but it will cause some discomfort for the dog. You can help the dog by squeezing..." Whoa whoa whoa! I ain't squeezing anything down there. "well that's fine, because it usually will empty itself out when the dog goes poop." OMG, yeah I'll just wait for him to that. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for the information, but I'm not doing that. End of story. At lease it's not harmful for Perky, I'll let him do it naturally. Let me get a bag and find a good place to go poop.