So from Dalaran, I went to take the portal to Wintergrasp Fortress. I did my dailies in Wintergrasp and took the portal back to Dal. This portal takes me to The Violet Citadel. As I'm walking down the stairs I noticed a Mage sitting a the bottom of the stairs. Vdara!?!?, I shout. She turns her head and quickly turns it back around as if she didn't want to talk to me. I walked up to her and sat next to her. She says in a whisper "please go, this isn't a good time, I'll talk to you later". "um ok" I replied and got up, walked past the Kirin Tor peeps, out the door and down the stairs, got on Albie and flew to the Bank. That was weird, I'll admit I was a little butt hurt that she dissed me like that. Maybe my Alliance bonding time the other day was all a fluke. Shame on me for trusting an Alliance.

"Yes Father?".
"Archmage Aethas Sunreaver has just brought to my attention that the dates that the two of you been on turned out to be rather positive. I as well as your Aunt Modera think it will be splendid idea that we make arrangements for the wedding at once"

"Can it Al, where's my mother?" Alfred pointed around the building. "Thanks, and I'm sorry for snapping at you.... MOM?!?!" Vdara then ran into her cousin little Kat Sunflower. "Vdara, I haven't seen you in like a week, where have you been?"

"Wait! I heard the good news, let me give you a hug". "No hug, I ain't getting hitched, I'll explain later, right now I need to find my mom, have you seen her?" Kat also pointed around the building.

"Sweetheart, I can't talk your father out of anything, so I will have to say just do what you think is best for YOU and No one else. I Love you, and just be safe"
"That's not the answer I was looking for. /sigh... yeah I will, I love you mom, I'll talk to you later, But please try to talk dad out of it"
[to be continued...]