Holy Cripes... This whole time I thought Venom, my Venomhide Ravesaur was a dude. About a month ago we were walking around the barrens helping Hellgurl find some herbs for her to mill into pigments for glyphs she was going to make for some guildies. Venom slowed down and started to breath heavy. I thought he had to poop or something so I get off and turn around to give him some privacy. After a few minutes I turn back and see him lying on the and ground and beside him was an egg. "Um where did that come from?" I asked Venom, as if he could answer me. He nudged it like she wanted me to pick it up, so I did and put it into my bag. That was my very first indication that he indeed was a girl. I had to find Hellgurl and tell her I had to cut the scouting for herbs short. I apologized and of course she was fine with it.

Venom and I ride back to Orgrimmar and I had to find someone that could help us. I asked a guard and the only people he knew that could help was Darkspear trolls down on the northeast coast of Durotar. The Darkspear Trolls there have the Raptor Stable keepers. That's right! I thought. So I took the flight path down to Razor Hill and Venom and I ran the rest of the way. When we arrived there, I quickly dismounted and brought out my egg. The Troll's Stable keeper knew what it was, how to find out if it was fertile or not and How to keep it incubated without constant attention from the mothers. I asked if they could keep it for the duration of the egg life which is usually about a month. GREAT! I will defiantly be back for it.

About a month went by and I checked my mailbox. I got a mail from the Trolls telling me that the egg hatched and to come and pick up my baby Dinosaur. Sweetness!. So Venom and I ran all the way down there and sure enough, they had the little guy ready for me. I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but he is so cute and Venom was just an awesome mom to this thing like she knew it was hers.
I sat down by the little guy and watched him for a good long hour. He was so darn cute he started chasing a big red bug that was half his size. No way he could eat this thing, but he did give it a try. Yikes, I hope he doesn't decide to eat me, I have nothing for him to bite besides bones.