Frosty Carpet WOOT! I'm a tailor so I am able to make Carpet Mounts and my latest Carpet I so awesomely crafted was my Frosty Carpet. It's a pretty fast mount. I decided to take it for a spin down in Uldum one day. I ported to Ramkahen, mounted up and headed south.

I wanted to see Obelisk of the Sun and on my way there I passed this huge Ramkahen rock statue that had a forever burning plate of fire. This fire was massive. Looked to be like some 20 feet wide and burned about 30 feet up, I almost got too close that my carpet could have caught on fire. That would have sucked big time. Ok bored here, next!

Next I ventured into The Lost City of Tol'vir. I totally did that by accident. The city looked like it was shrouded by high circulating winds that looked like some kind of force field from afar.

As I got closer the winds picked up but I was able to cling tightly to my carpet and ride it right through. I flew around the place for a bit staying a good distance above the ground as there were Elite baddies roaming around the place.

I came to a triangular elevated platform and in the center of the platform was a big genie looking dude named Siamat, Lord of the South Wind. I heard about him, but never knew where he was. He is the elemental directly responsible for turning the Neferset clan of the Tol'vir into the stone creatures. If defeated he does drop a nice Shoulder slot item I wouldn't mind getting, Mantle of Maser Cho. Stamina, Intellect, a bunch of Crit and Haste and a Blue gem slot. Niiice! But unfortunatly I don't raid anymore so I would never get the chance to kill him... maybe. Anywhos moving on.

As I was on my way out of the place when I got caught in some thick clouds. I could not for the life of me see anything in front. I was praying that there wasn't a mountain or statue in from of me, because if there were I would have been a gonner. Luckily I got out of there unscathed. But I did end up in a place I was not familiar with.

I found a little camp site and here are some of the people I met. First I stopped at Jake, oops I'm sorry "Chesty" Jake. Very proud of his ripped body that he had to add the "Chesty" before his name... lol. Nice to look at but not a lot going on upstairs if you know what I mean. He sold tools and repaired damaged gear for you. Nice boy tho.

Next was Aaron "Sandy Toes" Williamson. No shoes. No comment, kidding. Nice man, just didn't like to wear shoes. Might have got into a fight with a crocoliks and got his pant legs torn off and his shoes eaten. I didn't bother to ask him where his shoes was. I might have been in for a looong story. Sold Reagents and I didn't need anything from him. next...

Jock Lindsey, now this dude is the flight master for this campsite, but I don't know why he has the Jock label. I never thought of flight masters, or pilots for that matter, as "jocks" and he was fishing before I went over to talk to him, an fishing is sooo not jock sport... meh.

Farah Tamina was the campsite's Stable Master. She held all of the horses for the guys and kept them taken cared of. Nice girl. I know Zhar'gak isn't an animal but I let her watch him for a bit while I went to fish on a blackbelly mudfish pool.

I finally found out where I was too, Oasis of Vir'sar. Farah old me and that I am at the Northwest end of Uldum.
So back to the campsite grounds and it was getting a bit late and I was getting cold. Got Zhar'gak from Farah and we went to sit by he campfire. This was a very adventurous day for me. Got to ride my carpet and saw a part of Uldum I never saw before. Met interesting people and caught me some fishies... nom nom!