After Vdara left her mom she was making her way out of the Purple Parlor and ran into her Uncle Burroughs. "Vdara my sweet! where have you been? Your father is asking me how your Alchemy training is going and I'm sorry but I have been telling him that you haven't been attending your bi-weekly training".
"I'm sorry uncle, but I won't be training with you anymore. I don't want to be an Alchemist and I don't want stay here anymore under my father's watch." He begins to cry. Uncle Burroughs was always a softy. Very sensitive and the smallest bad news always set him into sobbing fits. "Don't cry uncle, I will come and visit you every once in a while." Vdara gives her uncle a hug and turns to walk away. "Vdara, wait my dear. I have something for you. Uncle Burroughs brings out a bag full of flasks and gives Vdara the rest of the Flask of the Frost Wyrms he had left. "This will increase your spell power by 125 for 1 hour, but use it wisely" Vdara thanked her uncle one more time and left through the portal.
On the other end of the portal she stops at the top of the stairs and digs in her bag for her invisibility potion which makes her invisible for 18 seconds so she can sneak past her father. Her Uncle Alvareaux stops her before she drinks. Archmage Alvareaux is her mother's brother and Burroughs is her father's brother, just to clarify. "Vdara, your mother told me the news. How do YOU feel about it?, is this what YOU want?". Finally someone asking HER opinion she thought. "Uncle I am so upset I could punch a baby Furblog! I didn't agree to anything and they are already planning the wedding. What am I gonna do?" "OK my dear niece, I will talk to your father, but I can't guarantee anything. You should lay low until I call for you. When I do, that means your father has changed his mind but if you don't hear from me then that means that he's still hell bent on getting you hitched, and unless you are willing to marry that boy down there then you are going to have to stay away from here. As much as it pains me to say it, you are going to have to treat yourself as being banished from the Violet Citadel and the Purple Parlor." "I understand Uncle, let me drink this potion so I can sneak past them." "Oh no that potion works occasionally, not every time.

Do you have any light feather's or a glyph for your Slow Fall?" "No, and no" "OK here take a couple of light feathers and go back up to the Purple parlor, Use your Slow Fall ability and jump off the tower. You will land safely and you will also be away from the building so your father will not see you making a break for it." "Thank you so much uncle, just letting you know, you are saving my life"
After my less then perfect jump from the tower, I decided to go to the bulletin board to see if anyone needs a roomie or anyone needs help with anything, that way I can make money. I see one post for a bartender needed. The post read 'Come to A Hero's Welcome Tavern and see Stefen Cotter if you want a job. Need a bartender for night shifts. Pays 100 gold a day'. Hmmm 100 gold a day? I can make more doing quests for people. Well I guess I will give it a shot. It's better then nothing right?
So I went to see Stefen at the tavern. It was very empty in there. I think I would die of boredom but it looks easy enough. We talked for a bit and when it came time to tell him my name he responded with "Oh yeah, your father comes in here all the time" Are you serious?! Dammit, then this job is no good for me. I apologized for wasting his time, but I couldn't take the job. He gave me a drink on the house and I stayed and chatted for a bit and then I left. Who knows if my dad would be waltzing up in here.
As I was leaving I walked to the door and stopped. I heard voices that sounded a lot like my father and the douchebag. I looked out the pub door and saw the both of them headed this way. Great, I asked Stefen if there was a back way out of here but he said there was none, just a basement. That will do, "Do NOT tell them you saw me please". Stefen agreed not to and said he would come get me when they leave. I went to the basement and hid. I had to make my way through huge barrels and a crap ton of spiderwebs. I put myself in the far corner and sat for the next half hour. Stefen came to get me. Thank goodness I thought, that seemed like an eternity. "How long was I down there? ". "about 45 minutes" says Stefen and he didn't suspect anything*phew* crisis averted. I thanked him for not telling them I was down there. Then I quickly left the tavern.
I next went to see Tybalin in the library. OK I didn't mention this earlier, but he is the reason why I didn't want to marry Aethas Sunreaver. About a year and a half ago my father would send me on these "learning missions" to Masters of certain crafts. He wanted me to train with them and learn as much as I could so I could be of some help to my father during battle. For example, he wanted me to be an Alchemist and a Herbalist. As much as I wouldn't mind doing those two professions, I just didn't like the fact that HE was making me do it. So what did I do of course, yup I never went to my scheduled classes. My father hasn't been following up on anything after sending me to trainers so he still doesn't know that I have been skipping those classes. Instead I would go up to sit and chat with Tybalin and spend almost the whole day with him. I had a feeling that my father would come looking there for me and I didn't want to get Tybalin in trouble. The last thing I needed was my actual boyfriend getting taken away and beaten by my father and my supposed fiance. So I kissed him goodbye and off I went.

Oh squirrel! How cute, he was on the grassy area in front of the alliance bank. I climbed up and sat on the grass with him. I had some bread in my pocket so I gave him some of that. He was so friendly and even climbed right into my lap. I needed to get going and as I was getting up, the most terrible thing imaginable happened, a hunter came riding by and shot the little squirrel. NOOoooooo! How could they! I sat by the squirrel and started to cry. Some people in this world have no heart whatsoever. I heard the same roaring of a motorcycle and I looked up and and a night Elf Hunter drove by yelling at me "The next time that arrow is gonna be for you!, Death to your Father!" I was in shock, not only that the poor squirrel died because of me, but that someone was actually trying to kill me because of my father's actions. I took the squirrel to Breanni so she could bury him or something I had to lay low and fast.

Oh squirrel! How cute, he was on the grassy area in front of the alliance bank. I climbed up and sat on the grass with him. I had some bread in my pocket so I gave him some of that. He was so friendly and even climbed right into my lap. I needed to get going and as I was getting up, the most terrible thing imaginable happened, a hunter came riding by and shot the little squirrel. NOOoooooo! How could they! I sat by the squirrel and started to cry. Some people in this world have no heart whatsoever. I heard the same roaring of a motorcycle and I looked up and and a night Elf Hunter drove by yelling at me "The next time that arrow is gonna be for you!, Death to your Father!" I was in shock, not only that the poor squirrel died because of me, but that someone was actually trying to kill me because of my father's actions. I took the squirrel to Breanni so she could bury him or something I had to lay low and fast.