I was a bit upset at Vdara for dissin' me the other day up at the Violet Citadel so I decided to go and

kill some Alliance. Oh my my my, what did I find? a Gnome Mage, perfect! Zhar'gak and I crept up and hid behind a pillar and waited until I saw her turn her back and face the opposite direction. I jumped out from behind the pillar and cast my Soul Fire on her.

I sent Zhar'gak after her as she tried to run away. I don't think so you little brat. Damn you and your cute bright pink pigtails and pretty pink dress. She used her Blink ability to try and get closer to me. Apparently her spell range cast doesn't have the same distance reach as mine does. I could see her trying to cast things and they were not making it near me. Hahaha what a fricken noob. Even when she was close to me it wasn't helping, my cast speed was way faster then hers as well. I hit her with three spells before she even got the one out. When her Blink was back up she used it to try to get away from us but to no avail. She was cornered, and Zhar'gak and I were coming in for the kill.

She was trying to say something but I couldn't quite understand it because I don't speak loser alliance. She was probably trying to beg for her life. Oh well. one less stupid looking Gnome Mage in the world, no loss there. I threw a Fel Flame at her and it was so funny, she did a complete 360 in the air and landed flat on he back...Dead!
I thought looking at a dead Alliance would make me feel better. Turns out it doesn't make me feel better, I think it's actually making me feel bad. Damn this conscience of mine. I think I'll take another break since the kill is still fresh in my mind and eating away at my guilt wall.