Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mishel loves Giraffes

"Mishel!!!" yells Christene as she flies over the top of the waterfall in the Valley of Honor . Christene makes Onyx, her Onyx Cloud Serpent, circle back. "Hey!, What are you doing up here?" she asks her sister
"Well, RubyJade was thirsty and I didn't feel like sittin down there with all the crazies." explains Mishel.
"Well there's an area down there that no one really goes, come I'll show you." says Chris.
"Oh that's ok I like it up here, and It's the start of the water running into Orgrimmar so it's not contaminated with all the trash and the other junk that runs through the waters down there. I wouldn't want Ruby drinking any of it" Mishel replies.

"ohh that's right health conscious, I almost forgot. Are you still Vegan or Vegetarian or whatever the difference is?" says Chris
"yes I am. In fact I had made these amazing Spicy Vegetable Chips as a snack yesterday. Jade Squash, Pink Turnips and Juicycrunch Carrots and for desert, Farmer's Delight, Aged Balsamic Vinegar, Fresh Strawberries, and Fresh Shao-Tien Rice. You would have loved it." says Mishel.

"Yeeeeaaahhh, thanks for telling me that after you made it and ate it all. Anywhos, I tell you what, I'll go wait down there for you cuz I'm getting a bit lightheaded being up this high for this long. We can go hang out when you're done. I don't have any plans for the rest of the day." suggests Christene
"That sounds awesome, ok we'll find you in a bit."
Christene and Rory wait for Mishel and RubyJade down by the stream pond. As she looks in the water she does notice it is rather dirty. Not as bad as the water in the Slums but still not as clean as flowing water that Mishel let Ruby drink from. Christene looks at Rory "Alright, I know you don't care, but the next time I let you rehydrate, it will be up there in clean fresh water."

Mishel meets Christene down by the water. Mish asks if she wants to go and watch the Barrens Giraffes along Southfury River. Several time a week She goes down there, sits in the grass and watches the giraffes. She loves RubyJade but her favorite animal in all of Azeroth are those giraffes.
Mishel and Christene sees a giraffe and chooses their spot to sit. Chris asks Mishel, "If you love these giraffes so much, why don't you just tame one."
"As much as I would love to tame one and keep them for myself I do understand that these animals are not strong fighters. Yes, I love all my hunter pets, but I also know that if I need them to fight for me, they need to be strong enough and capable of killing something quickly. I do not see this to be a possible trait in a Barrens Giraffe. They are so elegant and so delicate looking but can be extremely aggressive when threatened but the aggression does not translate well into a good fighting beast. So I just choose to admire these creatures from afar...

There's actually one giraffe in particular that I sit and watch, some days for hours at a time. I named him Geoff. He has a distinctive curve in his right horn. He's the only giraffe that lets me get close enough to pet him. I fear a swift kick the face by hind legs with the other giraffes. But Geoff is different. I think he lets me do this because I saved him from death a while back. Those darn Savannah Prowlers were stalking him and I've always been one to let nature take it's course so I just kept riding. I heard the awful scream as the Prowler took him down and I couldn't just let it happen.

So I turned back and shot the prowler with serpent sting and it ran away from the giraffe, but started to go back for it and I had to take him down... kill shot finished off the prowler." I went back to the injured giraffe. I know he wasn't my hunter pet but was able to use Pet Mend on him and he got up, stuck out his long purple tongue and gave me a lick on my face. Ever since then, when I come back here he knows its me and he seems happy. I love Giraffes."

The bottom pic is of my seeeeester. I told you she loves giraffes, and the name Geoff is because she has a stuffed giraffe named Geoffry(spelling). I know I work for the R Us company but didn't name it because of that damn giraffe mascot :-P 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Ravasaur memories

I wanted to go for a ride, in no place in particular. I decided to bring out Venom for this trek. Venom is my Venomhide Ravasaur that I got in Un'goro Crater a looong time ago. As we rode I started to reminisce about the adventure I went through that day.

And down memory lane we go: [click on pictures to read the chat box convos]
I flew into Un'goro Crater and as I was running around helping out the goblins at Marshal's Stand, they asked me to go and get some water from the Golakka Hot Springs. I went and came across this human dude named Maximillian. He asked me to help him with some things. and I said ok,  I took the water to the Goblins and went back to Max. He said we needed to find 3 damsels in distress.

The first one was on the mountain on a cliff. It looked like she was fine, but he felt the need to "help" her off the cliff by tossing her off.
Apparently I was his squire and I was supposed to catch her as he pushed her off the cliff. I didn't know what he was going to do, so I didn't catch her. She was not happy, but she was alive.
So we left to find the next one.

This guy, and yes I said "guy" was by the steam ponds. Maximillian thought he was a chick.
Max sent me in the pond to go and retrieve his crate. The guy even tried to correct Max when he was calling him a chick. By this point I was getting annoyed with him and I wanted to just tell him he needed to find the last damsel by himself. He went off and I stayed behind to apologize to the Damsel

"Max!!! WAIT!!!" I didn't know what else trouble he was going to be getting himself into but he did find the last damsel walking up the hill to the North of the crater wall... The Damsel of the North.
Let's just say I was too late to stop Max from doing anything dumb.

"Max! what have you done?" That was her parrot. Not a phoenix in disguise trying to hurt her. As the poor Goblin mourned her murdered companion I pulled max down the hill and wanted to take him back to his camp site where I found him. "Nonsense little lady!, We need to slay the dragon in the hills over yonder!" Max said as he mounted up on his steed, Pimento, and told me to get on the back. I cringe at the thought of what this delusional nut job thought was a dragon. For all I know he was on his way to kill a docile stegodon. "Thar she is, she's a beauty!"

"Um Max, That's not a dragon, and she looks pissed!" I say regretting this mission. He then hands me a bunch of rocks. "Use these to kill her!
"Uummmm seriously!?!?! these will just make her more mad at us and hurt her none" I refused to throw these at her knowing that they wont do anything. As I was going to get off I realized we were standing in her den surrounded by dead pterrordax carcases and unhatched dino eggs. Too late she spotted us and started to charge. "Go Gooooooo!!!!" I yelled to Max and his horse. I could do nothing but pelt these rocks at her. Yeah, that was NOT working she just seemed to run faster.

I had an idea... As much as I felt bad to do this considering this was just a Queen Devilsaur protecting her den, I didn't feel like dying. I could give too craps about Max, but then the dino would eat Pimento too and I didn't wanna see that happen. As we skirted around the Steam Pools I put my Immolate spell on her and rolled off the back of the horse into the water. She didn't see me roll off, or she didn't care. I cast Conflagrate on her and she kept chasing them so I had to run after them. I had to hit her with something I didn't need to stop and cast, so I had to hit her with Fel Flame... She slowed down as I thought I weakened her... Buuuuut, she just turned around and started to come after me... ohhh Cripes!!!! I hit her with a Chaos Bolt and finally Shadowburn took care of her... after she hit the ground her momentum took her another 20 yards and stopped just a couple of yards shy of taking me down.

I knelt down beside her and silently apologized. Max and Pimento came over next to me. "Well done little lady, you slayed the dragon!. I could have done it myself but it's good to have a squire do what they're hired to do sometimes." I got so mad I wanted to take his head off... but that wouldn't be right. So I just cast Fear on him to get him out of my sight and off Pimento went after his master.

Is this why I don't like Alliance? because of human douchebags like Maximillian. Anyways getting along with my story...
As I was leaving Un'Goro Crater through the Tanaris exit I came across a Troll named Mor'vek. I complimented him on his Ravasaur mount and asked how he got one tame enough to ride it. "Well my dear, these Ravasaurs are extremely loyal when raised from right out of the egg. If you would like to know how to get one I can teach you. "please do, I would love one! and right out of the egg? I would love it even more!!!" I say, so excited about this baby raptor I am going to have. "Alright this will be a bit dangerous, but you will need to find an abandoned nest and snag a light green egg with blue dots on it..." As he was explaining how "dangerous" this was going to be, I had to hold myself back from laughing and explaining to him that I just killed a Queen Devilsaur... Solo! at this point I think "Danger" was my middle name.

"...Ravasaurs only lay one egg at a time, and they usually find another raptor egg nest to put it in. They do this for 2 reasons. a) Normally the other raptor species don't abandon their eggs, they stay close except when they need to hunt for more food, so the Ravasaurs feel like that will keep their egg safer. And 2) if the Ravasaur hatches before the others, it will stay there until the other eggs hatch and eat the new babies that come out of the other eggs. It's terrible I know, but that is the way of the wild Ravasaur life." explains Mor'vek. "Well what will prevent it from trying to eat me?" I ask. "You are much bigger, and when they come out of the egg, as hungry as they are when they are born, they are not going to try to eat something 10x the size of them. BUT you are going to be there with food for them. Every day for 20 days straight you have to come back here to Un'goro and kill 5 raptors and or silithid and feed the meat to your baby Ravasaur. Each day you will watch him grow bigger and bigger. Now keep in mind that this is only how you have to tame a baby ravasaur that is born of Wild Ravasaur eggs. If you have a domesticated Ravasaur the transition and taming process of it's young is much easier. Ive never experienced one born from a domesticated ravasaur egg before as Ravek here is male, but I've heard stories" continues Mor'vek.
"Ohhh boy I can't wait!!!!"
and the rest is history.
Since then, Venom had a baby Ravasaur of her own. I didn't even know Venom was a girl until that egg poppin day a couple of years ago. I didn't know how to tell a male from a female. And I didn't even think to come back to Mor'vek for help when an egg did come, I sort of panicked and just went straight to the Darkspear Trolls in Durotar. They knew what to do and they helped me out.

And that is the story of how I got Venom, my Venomhide Ravasaur.

Raptor Babies  - baby ravasaur story

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Foreman Wellson, what a douchebag!

Foreman Wellson is such a jerk. OK so yeah all the guys in Tol Barad wanna kill me, I get it, but they are working so hard and along comes some douche telling them they need to work harder. Look at him, thinking he's all special on his Spectral horse.
Jhaaghon (My Felhunter), Rav (my ravenlord mount) and I were just standing at the top of the stairs watching him pass and yell at everyone. I'm so glad I'm my own boss, I work for no one and no one tells me what to do. Someone would seriously get a Shadow bolt in the face if they ever talked like that to me. Ugh, I cant stand looking at him and hearing his annoying voice... Jhaags!... Lets go kill him and his little horse too.!!!!!

(started last year. never published. No Dags would given it away.)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Meditate in 4 Winds

After my nap in Lazy Turnip Inn I decided to go down to the Halfhill market. I was feeling so stressed and I didn't really know why. I don't have much to worry about in my life at the moment but anxiety was setting in. I started to worry that something bad was gonna happen. I need to relax and get this feeling out of my system. I remembered Gina Mudclaw telling me how good meditating works for her. It's supposed to relax me and clear my mind of negative energy or something like that... meh, alright, lets give it a try.
Hafhill market was pretty busy but I did find a rock to sit on behind Noodles. OK that was a bad idea. Noodles was trying to run his cooking station and he was just all over the place.

He's a Hozen, they are naturally hyper and crazy.  So that was a bad decision to stop and meditate on the rock near him... actually, it was a bad idea to try and meditate anywhere near Halfhill Market. It's never calm and slow. Aside from Two Moons it's probably the busiest place in Pandaria. So much happening at every time of day.
Alright Dags, let's go find somewhere peaceful away from all this craziness.
Dags and I went to the top of Stormstout Brewery. I found a beam to sit on and attempted to meditate. Dags was worried and I could tell he didn't trust me to sit at the edge when we were so high up. He stayed right behind me but a few minutes went by when I finally told him he needed to move back a bit. "Dags, I'll be fine, I won't fall off... but your heavy breathing and tail hitting the plank is distracting. I can't focus, take like 10 steps back... I promise I won't fall off".

He did as I asked and my meditating session was wonderful! It was so relaxing and whatever was bothering me went away. Who knew by just sitting in silence and concentrating on nothing but your own breathing would fix everything.
And to top it off the view was so beautiful. I never saw the Heartland from the position I was looking at it. Or I probably did but just never realized it, and never appreciated until now. I'm pretty sure I owe that all to meditating and releasing every negative piece of energy out of my system. I won't guarantee that I will keep this thinking forever, but now I know how to get back get it back.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cannibalize everything

After I farmed my songbells in Halfhill, I was so tired I needed to take a nap. I went to the Lazy Turnip Inn and went upstairs and napped for a bit on the bed. And off I dreamt….

I was in Orgrimmar and felt extremely hungry. I need to eat something! As I was walking to the inn in the Valley of Honor I ran into Shockage. Now this is where I knew right away that this was a dream. Shockage was a female Troll. My actual friend Shockage, is a Male Tauren. I don’t know why I dreamt him as a girl, but I just did.
“Skully! We gotta go to this Timeless Isle everyone is talking about! It sounds so dangerous we need the adventure!” says Shockage pulling me to the portal to Pandaria right outside the Auction House.
“Alright, slow down. Can I eat first! I’m starving! Look at me I’m wilting away.” I plead
“We can eat later. I heard someone named Houlon has almost arrived to the island and they need help to stop him. Go!” says Shockage as she pushes me through the portal.
As I come out of the portal I try to rush to the Innkeeper to buy something to eat when Shockage comes out and tells me to hurry!... “Argh, fine!!!!”

I run up the hill after her and got to the flight master. I ask for a kite to fly to the Timeless Isle. The rain stings my face and I open my mouth to try to catch some. If I can’t eat at least I can get something to drink. It wasn’t helping at all. I arrive at the Isle and Shocakge is waiting for me there. “Wait where is everyone going?” asks Shockage to no one in particular. “We just stopped Houlon so everyone is leaving” says a Bloodelf waiting for her turn to catch the Flight path back to the Jade Forest coast. “Sweet! Now to find something to eat!” I say looking around for a food vendor.
“Well, the animals on this island are a challenge to kill and they have coins on them that the vendors around the Celestial Court will take as payment for items that they sell. The wildlife around here find the buried treasure around and consume them, so after you kill them, you have to reach down their throats or slice them open and retrieve these coins” explains the Bloodelf
“That’s disgusting! Let’s do it!” says Shockage, ready for the adventure
“but…but…food” I whimper

 “No time Skully, lets go!” says Shockage mounting up and taking off. As much as I would like to just let her go off on her own, I knew she wasn’t strong enough to kill anything by herself. So the nice friend that I am, I followed quick.
We ran into a huge blue spiney crab. Took us a while to kill it… after that guess I was hallucinating, because I saw it laying there as steaming roasted boar on a platter complete with an apple in its mouth waiting to be consumed… So naturally, my rumbling stomach took over and I started to eat it…
“Skully?... what are you doing? Stop, STOP!” yells Shockage as she yanks me away from the freshly killed crab.
“Wha...? What happened?” I say as I look back at what I just ate and almost gag.
“Let’s forget that just happened, and find something else to kill” Shockage says as she gets on her Crimson Deathcharger and goes off to explore the island. “ and I slowly climb up on my White War Talbuk and run after her.
“Ahhhh Skully!!! Heeeeeellllpppp!!!” I hear as I’m rounding the cliff. Shockage is surrounded my 3 Gulp frogs. I jump off my Talbuk and send Dags after them… Corruption on all of them and I use drain life and it sucks the life from the 3 of them at once. I tell Dags to do Wrathstorm and he starts spinning and slicing all of them pretty quick. 2 down and a couple more shadowbolts to the last one and they’re all dead. I almost pass out from exhaustion and then I sit down and close my eyes. I smell something sooo yummy. And when I open my eyes I see a Great Pandarian Banquet layed out in front of me. And I dig in. 

“Skully, stop it! This is disgusting! Fine, we’ll go get you something to eat… just stop eating the frogs!!!!... Skully?... SKULLY?!?!?!... the frog’s friends are gonna be coming back soon, we have to move….” When I didn’t even acknowledge her she took action to make me notice… “…I don’t wanna do this” She ran around to me so I was between her and the waters edge and blasted me with Thunderstorm. I flew back into the water and Dags ran after me. Then Dags stopped, turned around and started walking towards Shockage with polearms drawn. “Skully, stop Dags please. Tell him I wasn’t trying to hurt you!!!”shockage says as she backs away slowly all while keeping an eye on the frogs in the distance behind her.  I knew she wasn’t trying to hurt me, and I tried to swim back to the shore as quickly as I could to stop Dags from taking off her head. I crawled onto shore and called Dags back. He stopped, turned around and came to my side as I lay down on the grass. Shockage ran over to me and apologized. “no need to apologize, I’m sorry I’m eating everything. I see them as real food, and they smell like what I’m seeing too. I’m sooo hungry.”
“alright we can leave this island and get you something to eat. I’m sorry I dragged you here without feeding you first…. I will NEVER make that mistake again” says shockage as she gets onto her mechano-hog and motions for me to get into her side car.

As we make our way back to the flight master Shockage makes a wrong turn and heads up a hill towards the Firewalker Ruins and we ran into a flaming Yaungol dude… it put down ground flames and the chopper’s tires melted and we went flying. Shockage loved her chopper and was extremely angry at the fact that this dude just ruined it. Dags went after the baddie first and hacked away. Shockage healed Dags and helped to kill it, I was surprised. After he was dead, I could still tell that she was upset about her bike… “Skully… are you still hungry?” she says with steam coming out of her eyes and fists still clenched.
“Ummm yeah… why?” I ask nervously
“I give you permission to eat his face off” she says
“ummmm, it doesn’t look to appetizing...” and then the wave of illusion washes over me and the dead dude on the ground turns into a huge Broiled Dragon Feast. “mmmmm I can smell the goodness… Shockage I will eat his face, with pleasure!!!!” gross, and I start chomping down on this dead dude’s face.
“Muahahahahahaha!!!!... Nobody messes with my chopper and gets away with it!!!!!” yells Shockage and just as she says that I snap out of it and wake up. When I sit up, I look at my hands and see a chunk of fur between my nails. I stand up and look down at my robe and my sleeve has a singe in it. Very interesting….

Shockage and my new pet.

I made a new Shammy friend named Shockage the other day while I was fishing in Org, He came up and asked if I could embroider some Spellthread into his pants and just tell him the price. I did it for him and didn’t charge for it. He was so thankful and would not take the spellthread for free, He gave me a little pet companion. It was a mini felreaver. He named it Boydreaver. 

 “Oh my goodness I’ve always wanted one of these!! do you have 2 of them?” I asked wondering why he would be giving me this as they are rather hard to get.
“no that’s the only one I have, but you were so kind to do my pants for free. I appreciate it very much. Your kindness was far to great. You don’t see that around here these days. I know these Spellthreads are not cheap. And the only thing I have of actual value was this little guy” says Shockage
“I’d like to change his name slightly. If you don’t mind” I asked
“Go right ahead, he’s yours now and besides, he didn’t really respond to his name when called anyways” says shockage.

“Alrightee, I’ll name him Boydshock!”
Shockage laughs and says “That is an excellent name!”

Since then I’ve been hanging around with him a lot. My friends are getting the wrong impression, but then again they don’t have many male friends anyways and don’t see the need to have one. I was like that. But it’s nice to get away from doing girl stuff. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends and they are not all girly, prissy, ‘oh I broke a nail’, ‘eww boys’, types. I enjoy hanging around with them, but sometimes it is refreshing to hang out with nice dudes that don’t treat you like dirt.