Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mishel loves Giraffes

"Mishel!!!" yells Christene as she flies over the top of the waterfall in the Valley of Honor . Christene makes Onyx, her Onyx Cloud Serpent, circle back. "Hey!, What are you doing up here?" she asks her sister
"Well, RubyJade was thirsty and I didn't feel like sittin down there with all the crazies." explains Mishel.
"Well there's an area down there that no one really goes, come I'll show you." says Chris.
"Oh that's ok I like it up here, and It's the start of the water running into Orgrimmar so it's not contaminated with all the trash and the other junk that runs through the waters down there. I wouldn't want Ruby drinking any of it" Mishel replies.

"ohh that's right health conscious, I almost forgot. Are you still Vegan or Vegetarian or whatever the difference is?" says Chris
"yes I am. In fact I had made these amazing Spicy Vegetable Chips as a snack yesterday. Jade Squash, Pink Turnips and Juicycrunch Carrots and for desert, Farmer's Delight, Aged Balsamic Vinegar, Fresh Strawberries, and Fresh Shao-Tien Rice. You would have loved it." says Mishel.

"Yeeeeaaahhh, thanks for telling me that after you made it and ate it all. Anywhos, I tell you what, I'll go wait down there for you cuz I'm getting a bit lightheaded being up this high for this long. We can go hang out when you're done. I don't have any plans for the rest of the day." suggests Christene
"That sounds awesome, ok we'll find you in a bit."
Christene and Rory wait for Mishel and RubyJade down by the stream pond. As she looks in the water she does notice it is rather dirty. Not as bad as the water in the Slums but still not as clean as flowing water that Mishel let Ruby drink from. Christene looks at Rory "Alright, I know you don't care, but the next time I let you rehydrate, it will be up there in clean fresh water."

Mishel meets Christene down by the water. Mish asks if she wants to go and watch the Barrens Giraffes along Southfury River. Several time a week She goes down there, sits in the grass and watches the giraffes. She loves RubyJade but her favorite animal in all of Azeroth are those giraffes.
Mishel and Christene sees a giraffe and chooses their spot to sit. Chris asks Mishel, "If you love these giraffes so much, why don't you just tame one."
"As much as I would love to tame one and keep them for myself I do understand that these animals are not strong fighters. Yes, I love all my hunter pets, but I also know that if I need them to fight for me, they need to be strong enough and capable of killing something quickly. I do not see this to be a possible trait in a Barrens Giraffe. They are so elegant and so delicate looking but can be extremely aggressive when threatened but the aggression does not translate well into a good fighting beast. So I just choose to admire these creatures from afar...

There's actually one giraffe in particular that I sit and watch, some days for hours at a time. I named him Geoff. He has a distinctive curve in his right horn. He's the only giraffe that lets me get close enough to pet him. I fear a swift kick the face by hind legs with the other giraffes. But Geoff is different. I think he lets me do this because I saved him from death a while back. Those darn Savannah Prowlers were stalking him and I've always been one to let nature take it's course so I just kept riding. I heard the awful scream as the Prowler took him down and I couldn't just let it happen.

So I turned back and shot the prowler with serpent sting and it ran away from the giraffe, but started to go back for it and I had to take him down... kill shot finished off the prowler." I went back to the injured giraffe. I know he wasn't my hunter pet but was able to use Pet Mend on him and he got up, stuck out his long purple tongue and gave me a lick on my face. Ever since then, when I come back here he knows its me and he seems happy. I love Giraffes."

The bottom pic is of my seeeeester. I told you she loves giraffes, and the name Geoff is because she has a stuffed giraffe named Geoffry(spelling). I know I work for the R Us company but didn't name it because of that damn giraffe mascot :-P