Saturday, February 22, 2014

Foreman Wellson, what a douchebag!

Foreman Wellson is such a jerk. OK so yeah all the guys in Tol Barad wanna kill me, I get it, but they are working so hard and along comes some douche telling them they need to work harder. Look at him, thinking he's all special on his Spectral horse.
Jhaaghon (My Felhunter), Rav (my ravenlord mount) and I were just standing at the top of the stairs watching him pass and yell at everyone. I'm so glad I'm my own boss, I work for no one and no one tells me what to do. Someone would seriously get a Shadow bolt in the face if they ever talked like that to me. Ugh, I cant stand looking at him and hearing his annoying voice... Jhaags!... Lets go kill him and his little horse too.!!!!!

(started last year. never published. No Dags would given it away.)