Friday, February 21, 2014

Meditate in 4 Winds

After my nap in Lazy Turnip Inn I decided to go down to the Halfhill market. I was feeling so stressed and I didn't really know why. I don't have much to worry about in my life at the moment but anxiety was setting in. I started to worry that something bad was gonna happen. I need to relax and get this feeling out of my system. I remembered Gina Mudclaw telling me how good meditating works for her. It's supposed to relax me and clear my mind of negative energy or something like that... meh, alright, lets give it a try.
Hafhill market was pretty busy but I did find a rock to sit on behind Noodles. OK that was a bad idea. Noodles was trying to run his cooking station and he was just all over the place.

He's a Hozen, they are naturally hyper and crazy.  So that was a bad decision to stop and meditate on the rock near him... actually, it was a bad idea to try and meditate anywhere near Halfhill Market. It's never calm and slow. Aside from Two Moons it's probably the busiest place in Pandaria. So much happening at every time of day.
Alright Dags, let's go find somewhere peaceful away from all this craziness.
Dags and I went to the top of Stormstout Brewery. I found a beam to sit on and attempted to meditate. Dags was worried and I could tell he didn't trust me to sit at the edge when we were so high up. He stayed right behind me but a few minutes went by when I finally told him he needed to move back a bit. "Dags, I'll be fine, I won't fall off... but your heavy breathing and tail hitting the plank is distracting. I can't focus, take like 10 steps back... I promise I won't fall off".

He did as I asked and my meditating session was wonderful! It was so relaxing and whatever was bothering me went away. Who knew by just sitting in silence and concentrating on nothing but your own breathing would fix everything.
And to top it off the view was so beautiful. I never saw the Heartland from the position I was looking at it. Or I probably did but just never realized it, and never appreciated until now. I'm pretty sure I owe that all to meditating and releasing every negative piece of energy out of my system. I won't guarantee that I will keep this thinking forever, but now I know how to get back get it back.