Monday, January 31, 2011

Goblin dreams

Ok, I had the most freaky dream last night. I fell asleep in Undercity under the bank stairs listening to Jeremiah Payson going on and on about his roaches that he sells. He had an interesting story about a pet roach he had when he was a kid named Twitches. But I couldn't keep my eyes open and out I went.

The dream was about Goblins. Maybe because of my letter a few days before, I ended up dreaming that I WAS one! I was a Priest and I was getting into some pretty hairy messes. First off my Helm was AWESOME. it was heirloom gear and I had back, shoulders, and staff to go along with it. My name was Goblooey. Deathy was with me too. I had cute hair with a little skull pin in there and matching skull earrings. I also had a sabertooth black panther mount named Blacktooth. He was mean looking but very soft and cuddly with me.
So my dream was fine up until the point when Blacktooth and I were exploring in a cave and came across Wilmer Fizzlesparks, a gnome pilot that had flown in there and hit a boulder and broke something on his plane. Luckily I was an engineer and I was able to fix his problem. He had a bunch of explosives on board so I told him he needed to dump it before he took off. So he set them outside of the plane and started it up. I was fine with him leaving me there, I had my panther to take me out. All of a sudden it started to get hot in there and we couldn't understand why. One of the tunnels behind us started to glow bright red, and out of it walked a fire tortoise. We had set the explosives right at the front of the tunnel he was coming out of... OH GREAT!... I told Wilmer to go and as he was taking off I was trying to summon Blacktooth back to me. He was not coming. Wilmer dropped his plane's rope ladder and I grabbed on for dear life. The tortoise hit the boxes and it blew up instantly, and the tunnels all filled with fire and it was coming right for us. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap was all I could think. This was sooo gonna burn my butt. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank god! and out we went and I we were safe. No Barbecued Goblins. Wilmer lowered me down to the ground and we said good bye with a wave, there was nowhere for him to really land his plane so he didn't stop.
My next venture brought me to the shore where there was this huge robot chicken walking around. He had rockets tied to his wings. He didn't look like he was harming anything but this had evil plans written all over it. I needed to get him off the beach before some innocent kid comes along and gets blown up or something. I walked over to the chicken and I got within aggro range and he came charging towards me. I jumped on his back and started hitting him with Smite. All of a sudden the rocket fuses lit themselves. Holy Crap!
I tried to jump off but I was too late. We went straight up into the air. I was still hitting the chicken with everything I had. Finally just decided I needed to jump before this thing exploded. At least I was over water so I wouldn't go splat, but I am up really high so this is gonna hurt. SPLASH!!! I guess the force hitting the water knocked me out because I don't remember anything between the time I was falling to when I woke up on a piece of  floating wood.
A goblin with 2 sparkly rods and another one claiming to be a doctor was there with me when I woke up. Apparently when I hit the water it knocked all the wind out of me and when I tried to breath in all I got was water. So I drowned and they pulled me out of the water and shocked me back to life. I gave them both big kisses and I needed to get on my way. They told me if I wanted to go to the nearest town I could use their car. I hopped in and made my way to the nearest goblin town.
All of a sudden the towns people started to go crazy. They were running in every direction. "Deathwing is here, He's come to kill us all". I stopped the car and looked up in the sky. Sure enough there was Deathwing. And then I woke up.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goblins trash Org

Dear Orgrimmar land association,
I am writing to complain about these horrible Goblins. If you haven't noticed by now, the Slums is a disaster area. The whole section is an eyesore to everyone besides Goblins. Where do I start! There's a big air balloon that has tanks leaking oil everywhere. The darn balloon doesn't even go anywhere. The once beautiful lake is now polluted, no living thing can survive in there. The fish are all dead and floating and there are barrels gathering up in the drop in he stream and oil is leaking out of them. Not to mention the horrid smell of sewer and rotting fish. There are kids that play in the lake and people are fishing out of there. God knows the only fish that can survive in these waters are not suitable for consumption. I had warned several people, but I was not going to stay there all day telling people something that common sense would tell them. I suggest either telling the goblins they need to find another place to make their home or cite each and every one of them that is contributing to the deterioration of Orgrimmar.
Thank you for your time,

So that was my letter that I wrote to the Head of Orgrimmar Land and Resources. They Replied back with this:
Dear Anonymous patron of Orgrimmar,
We at HOL would like to thank you for your letter. Your concerns have it's valid points and we do see the damage the Goblins have been doing to the Slums community. Unfortunately we can not do anything about it. Warchief Garrosh has enlisted the finest Goblin leaders to join forces with the Horde and that means having them share a piece of Orgrimmar. The Slums were given to the Goblins to do with it as they see fit and if that means turning it into an "eyesore" for an area then so be it. We at the HOL apologize for the late response, but our hands are tied with this matter. Have a good day.
What the heck ever. I mean I don't go to the Slums a lot but the few times that I do go there when the Cooking trainer sends me out to get him some prickly pear fruit off the cacti bushes, I have to go there because no one wants to get them from there. So they are all over the place. I have to pick them quick and get out. The smell makes me wanna puke. Even worse, sometimes the fishing trainer has me fish him up some toxic puddlefish which can only be caught in the waters in the slums there so I have to stay there longer. But I only agree to help him with that if I'm hard up for gold. Other then that, he can go fish up his own damn smelly half dead fish. But he does pays good, I'll give him that.
Abatai and I were walking around there the day I decided to write my letter. We looked at the oil spilling in the river by the dam. The barrels gathering up and no one is going to clean it up, so terrible. Well anywhos, Abatai is hopping around in front of me and I don't see him and I trip right over him and SPLASH! right into the nasty water I go. SICK!!! EWWW!!! As I'm down there I see fish floating and the water is a glowing green color... um yeah, that's so not normal. I can't believe I see the goblin kids play in this water. There's little horsey floaty things around the lake but when you sit on them your feet dangle in the water so you're not safe on those either. Maybe the Goblins have an immunity to anything in this water. ewww.

While I was by the lake there were these two goblins fighting about something and I wanted to be nosey so I went a little bit closer so I could hear better. They were arguing about who was gonna take the blame for not greasing some bolts and not tightening the auxiliary pipes on the Horde Demolishers they build for Garrosh's army. That was kind of a major thing to mess up on. Seeing as how close we were to actually having to use them. A test run resulted in a Demolisher catching on fire and half of it blowing up. That was a lot of time and gold wasted on one of those things. Yikes, and punishment will come too. Oh well, one less Goblin in the slums. I'm kidding, yeah that was kind of mean. Sorry.
While I was making my way to leave the place there were little huts that caught my eye. A sweet Goblin named Tanzi was serving mugs of ale to her Husband and his friends. She was a good Goblin wife, but we got to talking and she didn't like the slums at all. She came with her husband from Bilgewater Harbor and she had said it was much nicer there. Sometimes she thinks of moving back there by herself. We talked for a bit and then her husband demanded her attention. Thats not right, but I guess you can get that anywhere. Males of the races/species think they own their women, Phsaw, yeah right.  Tanzi was a nice girl and if I take anything positive away from this filthy place, My visit with her will be it.
My last not so very pleasant Goblin encounter involved 2 snooty girls.  I didn't think they were nasty at first but when I passed them the one mage says something to the warlock and the warlock just laughs. Usually I brush it off but I had to stop and ask them what was their problem. The warlock says to me "You just look like one of those kinds of people that judge everything and everyone before you know the full story".. then the mage says "We were watching you walk around this place for the past few days inspecting everything like you were writing a novel about something, and the whole time with this disgusted look on your face"... "We should be asking YOU what's YOUR problem?" the warlock says. I was shocked, I was embarrassed and I just wanted to run out of there with my tail tucked between my legs, but I don't have a tail so I wasn't gonna do that. I stuttered over my words when I responded. "Well first of all you're right, I did judge you goblins before I came here, but look at this place!... It's terrible" "You don't think we know that, we're trying to make them clean up this place" It's not the whole race that's doing this it's the bunch of bad eggs in this community, and there are a lot of them" Well our little talk did kind put me in my place and wish I never judged all the goblins.  At the end of my visit I came out looking like the jerk.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alexstrasza and Deathwing

OMG OMG OMG!... I was so thrilled I got to meet the beautiful Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. BUT during my visit with her, the horrible Deathwing came. She told me to leave before I get hurt but I needed to stay and help anyway I could. So I refused but her son Calen came and forced me to leave now with him. He grabbed me and we flew off a safe distance. I had asked Calen why Deathwing had it out for his mother and he told me that he came to her shortly after he was freed and gave her an ultimatum, either she join him in his destruction of Azeroth or he kills her and her people. Of course she will never join forces with Deathwing to bring the world to an end so he has come back to do what he had told her he would. She will fight till the death to stop him.
Calen took me up closer. I wasn't in range to help out. So all we could do was watch and hope she would win. As much as Calen wanted to help, he knew he wasn't strong enough to fight. And if he tried, Alexstrasza would have to worry about him getting hurt as well. Deathwing had his followers keeping the Dragonkin at bay so they couldn't get close enough to the fight to help her.
Dragon flames everywhere! We were very far away but I could feel the heat from the breaths going back and forth. How could she win this fight. Deathwing is half metal, Alexstrasza is full Dragon flesh. There is no way she could survive this. I almost didn't want to watch the end of this fight because I know what's going to happen and who's gonna win. And Calen needs to be as far away from Deathwing when that happens. He's going to want to get revenge for his mother's death and Deathwing knows that so he's gonna come straight for Calen.
Flamebreath, bite, flamebreath, face clawed. Alexstrasza looks like she's wearing down Deathwing. I'm surprised she's lasting this long. I really hate to be thinking that way, but look at Deathwing compared to her. She's smaller, but she's doing very well. Yeah, Deathwing was getting tired and his flamebreath is running out of juice. They're turning a pinkish tint. She fired back with one last breath. Deathwing lunges at her and they both go tumbling down the side of the mountain. Alexstrasza hits her head a few times hard on the rocks and falls to the ground.

Deathwing falls off the far side of the mountain. Calen swoops down to his mother's side. She is badly hurt. "Where is Deathwing?" she asks us. "Mother stay still, your wounds are great, he has fallen, you saved Azeroth". A rumbling comes from behind us. "um guys, I don't think he's dead". "What, this can't be... Deathwing lives". "Take my mother and Deadskully away from here, I will hold off the Aspect of Death"... "Calen NO! He is to powerful". "Mother I must! go now!" Dragonkin grabs the both of us and flys off. The last thing we see is Calen in his dragon form engulfed in Deathwing's flames. I turn to Alexstrasza and she is staring off into the sky. "Such a beautiful blue sky, we will never get to see another like it. Calen He can't be stopped..... he can't be stopped.... he can't be stopped...." Then she passes out. She's right as long as Deathwing is alive, he will stop at nothing to bring an end to this world. Where his blood is shed, nothing will grow for a thousand years. This might be a battle we will lose.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Booty Bay Burns

PIRATES!!! what the heck is up with all these pirates, thinking they own the darn place. Thinking they can just run up in here and do what ever they want. Then they think they can just set fire to where ever they want when people resist. We'll show them.
I went down to Booty Bay the other day to check out what had happened after Cataclysm hit Azeroth. I flew past the ginormous Goblin statue that stood on the little island just at the mouth of the cove. The statue was pretty beat up. An arm broke off and it's not standing up straight. Poor statue. Booty bay town was covered in sea kelp from the tidal wave that hit, but other then that, nothing major happened to the place.
I went to walk the Stranglethorn shores to see what else had happened and it looks like some goblins have set up oil pumps here and there. Damn goblins. Oh well they need to make a living too right. Looks like the pirate ships are still docked out in the bay. I was hungry so I fished for a but and caught some spotted yellowtail, built a fire and cooked my lunch. As I was eating, I saw some explosions coming from the pirate ships. The pirate crews were scrambling on deck. They pulled up anchors and started sailing around the bay. hmmm oh well might just be leaving the shores and back out to sea. Good riddance, stinkin' pirates! I finished up my lunch, mounted up and headed back to Booty Bay to catch the flight path to my next stop, Stranglethorn vale. As I was flying towards the cove I noticed smoke above the mountains coming from Booty Bay. Holy crap! Booty Bay is on FIRE!!! I flew as fast as I could. landed onto the docks and started to grab a nearby bucket and tried to douse the fires as fast as I could. This wasn't working. The faster I moved to put them out, pirates were throwing flaming torched and bottles in different areas. That's is, the pirates must die! So I brought out Zhar'gak and the both of us cleaned house. Luckily there were other good Samaritans that were helping out as well. Both Horde and Alliance working together, It felt strange, but this is both of our homes that were being invaded by pirates so it was only right that we all try to help. Everywhere I looked there were fires. I seemed like this was never gonna end until the whole town burns to the ground. A rope!. I'll use this to swing onto the pirate ship and start taking them out from there. Whooaaaaa!!!... I forgot to let go the first time I swung towards the boat. As I was swinging back,
 the pirates were trying to cut my rope before I reached the boat. MAN!, they're just asking to die aren't they. Right when I swung back to the boat the rope gave way and I went crashing towards the pirate deck crew like a bowling ball to 7 pins. Didn't knock them all down, but 5 was good enough. As I was on deck, Zhar gak was in a fight at one end and I on the other. we took care of them pretty fast. Down inside the ship, the captain had his men getting ready to fire the cannons right at the Booty Bay docks. Oh heck no!! I'm gonna put a stop to this right now. While Zhar'gak was keeping the deck pirates busy I peaked down the stairs saw my targets and and then came back up... there's 8 of them down there.
 Took a beep breath and jumped back down. Threw my Seed of Corruption on the first, the fourth, and the seventh pirate... BOOM!... BOOM!... BOOM! Wiped them all out. The captain was in his room but he was only stunned by the blasts. I walked up to him and told him that I would spare his life if he took the rest of his men and 7 other ships and left Booty Bay and never come back here. He agreed and went up to the deck with me and called his men off. Zhar'gak and I got off the boat and watched as the pirates ships sailed out of Booty Bay into the distance... just to make sure they were gone and didn't decide to turn back. So the fires in Booty Bay were still going but everyone was helping to put them out. Not too much fire damage, but several injured towns people. I don't think we'll be seeing those pirates again. Good Riddance!, for reals this time.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saturday in Sholozar Basin

I needed to go down to Sholozar Basin to River's Heart and try and fish up this ghostfish I've been hearing so much about. Apparently, this ghostfish makes you phase out and see things in like this ghost state. I'm not into eating drugs or anything, but I figure if this is a fish that does this to you then this shouldn't be bad for you right?... oh well either way I'm gonna try it. I ran into Medelys and told her where I was going and she said she'd come along and mine while I was fishing and then we could hang out for the day. Sounds good to me. I took the flight path down there and she decided to fly there on her own. Just in case she spotted some ore along the way she could stop. Flight paths are one stop travel.

When I arrive at the River's Heart I see an Alliance Mage fishing as well. I was going to ask her if she was trying to catch the ghostfish too, but I remembered that she can't understand me. I'd just sound like jibberish mumbo jumbo to her. Oh well, so we just waved a eachother and that was that. Medelys arrived and forgot to empty her bag in her Guild Bank before she left Dalaran. /sigh . that's fine I'll hold some stuff for you. It's a good thing she took her own way here. She got a stack of Saronite ore and 11 Titanium ore from just the flight down here. Alrightee my dear, good luck finding more around here. Back to fishing for me. Just a little under a half an hour goes by and I get the biggest tug in my line. I thought I had snagged one of the Threshers (apatosaurus looking things) that were swimming around in the deeper part of the lake. And I didn't think it was the ghostfish because this thing was no bigger then the needlefishes that I was catching this whole time either. I'm reeling it in and I see an orange/purple/green glow coming towards me. OMG I got it... Woot! I pull it up, take it off my hook and  lay it on the sand. Hmm now how the heck do I eat this? Do I cook it or just eat it raw? I decided to cook half of it just in case.
An Orc Shaman had come by me when he heard me getting all excited. He didn't know how to eat it either. I told him I'd give him some and we can both try it. He wanted to show me this cool trick he did the other day and wanted to see if it would work today or if it was just a fluke. He took out his tinder and flint to make the cooking fire set the tinder down in the water and dropped the flint onto it and woosh! the fire lit under the water!!!. That was amazing! It was hard to cook the fish only because I was trippin out about how he made the fire. We both take a piece and eat it. ok, nothing is happening.
Maybe we do have to eat it raw. The cooking process might have taken away the element that has the crazy effects. I cut us both off a piece from the raw fish. Ohhh.... Kayyyyyyy. Sooooomethiiiings happppppening.  Everything turns white and black with a blue tint and all foggy. I look around the basin and all I could hear was Mako (the Orc Shammy) laughing but it was muffled. He grabs onto me to try to keep his balance. We walk up on the shore together and sit down. I couldn't see him but I could feel his touch and hear his muffled voice. He starts to cry. "I don't like this one bit! I want it to stop!" I try to calm him down. "don't worry it's only supposed to last a few more seconds, just lay down". And it was over. I turned to Mako and he's wiping away his tears. He apologizes for being such a baby. No worries, I felt bad for letting him try that with me. I knew what it was supposed to do. I just assumed that since he did that trick with the cooking fire that he was down here trying it. Oh well it's done with and now he knows not to ever try it again.
Mako leaves. that was kinda awkward. I still was sitting down on the beach and I figured I had sometime until Medelys comes back so I lay back down. whoa! a rainbow!!! aw man, I gotta go get a better view of this. I mount up and fly above the river. That is so amazing! I try to look if I could see Medelys coming back while I was up there, but I don't see her. I hope she gets back in time to see this. Holy crap. it's so beautiful! it's so vivid!, It's almost a double rainbow! I see her... MEDELYS HURRY UP!...

Well it turns out it was no surprise to her. She's been mining in Sholozar a lot and she's seen a bunch of them. whatever. I thought it was amazing. We fly down to the waterfall and Medelys needed to cool off. She had a bunch of ore and eternals in her bag. I watched it while she jumped in the water. The only reason why she stopped mining was because her bags were full, but it was good timing. When she got out we sat and chatted a bit. She was fighting with two alliance and three horde for the nodes. None of them were Paladins so she had the advantage with her crusader aura. Makes her mount speed go faster. Good job. We chatted about what's been going on the past few days since we saw eachother last, boys and some girl gossip. All in all this was a really good day. I found out that the ghostfish is one fish I won't be in a rush to eat again and Medelys just made a bunch of gold for herself. Good Times!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drunken Pirates

This was my last day to do Kaluak dailies to get exalted with those damn walrus people so I can get my epic fishing pole, so I made my way down to Kamagua and got my dailies. One of the quests I had to do was going to catch fish with a net that they provide for me and feeding some fury lion/walrus bulls fish and luring them across to the other island and meeting up with the furry lion/walrus cows and making them see each other and fall in love. It's a cute thing that the Kaluak want us to help them with, so I was always glad to help them out with that.
After I finished that quest I heard loud music and laughing coming from the other side of the island. I saw a building there and decided to go be nosey. I stopped off outside first and asked a pirate and a girl with eskimo looking tattoos what was going on inside. They just told me that some douche had too much to drink and is making a fool out of himself again. Haha, I had to see this. I went into the building and sure enough, I went up stairs and there's a drunken pirate dancing on the table. Doing some perverted dance and girating his hips towards me and all the other girls in there, creeper! The girls seemed to like it so I guess he was doing a good job.
Ok, back to Kamagua to turn in this for the last time, get exalted, get my fishing pole and my pengu pet and never have to do another thing for these turtle abusers ever again. Speaking of turtle abusers, I walked past some Kaluak guards and they
were sitting on top of baby turtles. That broke my heart and reminded me of my Tater. I don't know, maybe they don't have a problem with it. The turtle did have a smile on his face when he looked at me.
Just got exalted with this faction. now give me my fishing pole and my pet and I'm outta here. While I was flying off I saw a turtle boat. I thought it was Tater's mother for a sec but this one was a bit bigger and more on the yellow side. I flew closer and remembered that Tater's mom had told me that his father is their current active boat. And so this was Tater's father. He was so focused on getting the bunch of carrots that he'll never get, he paid no attention to me.  I wanted to take Tater out and let him see his dad but I knew the turtle driver would want to steal him away from me. So I flew off. It was better this way.
Went back to Dalaran to try out my new fishing pole. It had a good feel to it but I wouldn't trade my Jeweled fishing pole for it. Well at least my rep grind wasn't all in vain, I got a pet out of it.

Sorry about your mother Bambi

Ashenvale Deers think that they can take down any other animal in the forest. Sometimes they can and sometimes they try so hard but they fail. Just the other day I was witness to the latter.  I was flying over Ashenvale making my way to Felwood to find an archeology spot when I saw a mother deer trying to defend her baby fawn. I landed to help her out but I was too late. The bear killed the fawn's mother and the fawn came running towards me. The bear ran away and I was tempted to go after it and kill it but I figured that was nature taking it's course, so I let the bear get away.
What is up with all these baby animals losing their parents lately. It's like parents are going out of style or something. So baby fawn, which I named Bambi for obvious reasons, is added to my companions. I walk around with Bambi a little bit before I put her away and take off to continue with my digging. We came across another female deer and it was so sad but Bambi bounced right up to the doe and started to nuzzle her. The doe nudged Bambi away and walked the other way. It was really sad and I wanted to cry. So I took Bambi to the lake to drink and then I packed her away and mounted up on Albie and took off to Felwood.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Abatai and the Outlands

The Cleft in Org has a portal to the blasted lands which drops me off right outside of the dark Portal.  I had to go to Shattrath to see someone about a shody bag I was sold a while ago. When I went down to the Cleft and walked up to the portal, Abatai started freaking out. "No no no no no, really bad idea, I not going with you." I asked him why and he said if I go through the portal he would dismiss himself and not come out if I summoned him in Hellfire Pennensula. Ok, now I needed to find out the reason behind his reaction, so I dismissed Abatai and went through the portal. It drops me off in the blasted lands. The Dark Portal is big and scary lookin'. I hate going through it because it feels likes I'm gonna get lost in space or something.  I summon Zhar'gak, and we get up to the Dark Portal and jump through.

On the other side there are big flamin' rock dudes fighting. I asked Zhar'gak why does he think Abatai had such a problem with this place. He didn't know. So I went to the flight master and asked to fly to Thrallamar. As we're flying over I look down and see some imps that look like Abatai. I need to check this out. After I landed I went over to where I saw these imps and sure enough they look like Abatai and there was this really big mean red one. I kept my distance and looked at them for a good while. I wanted to bring Abatai out and ask him for sure if this was the reason, but I just left it at that. I'll ask him when we get back to the old world.
I flew down to Shattrath and searched for the Pub that the Vendor is that sold me this 22 slot Gigantique bag. There she is Haris Pilton in all her snooty glory. I asked her if I could get another one or get a 24 slot Portable hole as the one she sold to me was defective. She looked at me and laughed... What the hell is so funny. I want you to give me another bag. You sold me a piece of crap! She still refused, saying she's not responsible for anything that happends after she sells them. She did have a point, but I didn't even have it for very long before the last 2 slots kept dropping my items out of them. And I didn't spend 1200 gold for a 20 slot bag. She still refused to give me a refund or another bag. Alright you tramp, I didn't wanna have to do this. Zhar'gak! show Miss Pilton what happends when people try to rip off your master. "Don't threaten me!, Raliq!" Raliq the Drunk comes towards us and almost trips over some barstools. Buzz off Ogre mind your own business. Raliq looks at Haris and she tells him to escort us out of the pub. I whispered to Zhar'gak to take out Raliq but not to kill him. And Zhar'gak did just that. Raliq begged us not to hurt him anymore and ran out of the pub. Then I turned my minion onto this little doggie that was running around the place... Well what's it gonna be? a new bag or my minion ripping this dog's tiny little legs off?. "NO, TINKERBELL...FINE, I'll replace your bag... HERE!, now give me my baby! and don't come back!" Zhar'gak gave Haris back her dog. That's fine by me, and I'll tell all my friends not to buy anything from you ever! oh yeah and one more thing... come on, you really think we bought that whole "I thought that was bubble gum" excuse?... you are one sad little girl. And out of the pub we went.
I made it back to Orgrimmar and brought out Abatai and made him tell me everything about Hellfire Pennunsula and why he freaked. I told him I saw the imps that looked like him and the one big red one. This is what he had told me :"We hunt in packs of threes and the red ones are our leaders. They bully us around and if we don't want to do something , we get punished. I was punished a lot. I didn't want to go out and fight and wait for someone to come along only to try to kill them. That wasn't what I wanted to do and no matter how much I tried to tell them that I didn't want to keep doing all these things again, he would punish us by making us eat the fiery green flames that spewed out of the craters in Hellfire. Fire imps can withstand ingesting flames, but it hurt everytime we did it. I was tired of always being punished for making choices that were right by me, but wrong to evil Hellfire Imps. So I ran away through the dark portal and hitched a ride on a wyvern and ended up in Undercity. I hung out down by the portal to the blasted lands, just in case I realize I made a bad decision and the portal was right there so I could go home. Then the warlock trainer asked me if I needed a home and so he told me that the next warlock that came along will be my new master. You were the next warlock to come and train with him and that was over 2 years ago. I know I don't tell you or even show you everyday, but I am thankful that it was you who showed up."