PIRATES!!! what the heck is up with all these pirates, thinking they own the darn place. Thinking they can just run up in here and do what ever they want. Then they think they can just set fire to where ever they want when people resist. We'll show them.
I went down to Booty Bay the other day to check out what had happened after Cataclysm hit Azeroth. I flew past the ginormous Goblin statue that stood on the little island just at the mouth of the cove. The statue was pretty beat up. An arm broke off and it's not standing up straight. Poor statue. Booty bay town was covered in sea kelp from the tidal wave that hit, but other then that, nothing major happened to the place.

I went to walk the Stranglethorn shores to see what else had happened and it looks like some goblins have set up oil pumps here and there. Damn goblins. Oh well they need to make a living too right. Looks like the pirate ships are still docked out in the bay. I was hungry so I fished for a but and caught some spotted yellowtail, built a fire and cooked my lunch. As I was eating, I saw some explosions coming from the pirate ships. The pirate crews were scrambling on deck. They pulled up anchors and started sailing around the bay. hmmm oh well might just be leaving the shores and back out to sea. Good riddance, stinkin' pirates! I finished up my lunch, mounted up and headed back to Booty Bay to catch the flight path to my next stop, Stranglethorn vale. As I was flying towards the cove I noticed smoke above the mountains coming from Booty Bay. Holy crap! Booty Bay is on FIRE!!! I flew as fast as I could. landed onto the docks and started to grab a nearby bucket and tried to douse the fires as fast as I could. This wasn't working. The faster I moved to put them out, pirates were throwing flaming torched and bottles in different areas. That's is, the pirates must die! So I brought out Zhar'gak and the both of us cleaned house. Luckily there were other good Samaritans that were helping out as well. Both Horde and Alliance working together, It felt strange, but this is both of our homes that were being invaded by pirates so it was only right that we all try to help. Everywhere I looked there were fires. I seemed like this was never gonna end until the whole town burns to the ground. A rope!. I'll use this to swing onto the pirate ship and start taking them out from there. Whooaaaaa!!!... I forgot to let go the first time I swung towards the boat. As I was swinging back,

the pirates were trying to cut my rope before I reached the boat. MAN!, they're just asking to die aren't they. Right when I swung back to the boat the rope gave way and I went crashing towards the pirate deck crew like a bowling ball to 7 pins. Didn't knock them all down, but 5 was good enough. As I was on deck, Zhar gak was in a fight at one end and I on the other. we took care of them pretty fast. Down inside the ship, the captain had his men getting ready to fire the cannons right at the Booty Bay docks. Oh heck no!! I'm gonna put a stop to this right now. While Zhar'gak was keeping the deck pirates busy I peaked down the stairs saw my targets and and then came back up... there's 8 of them down there.

Took a beep breath and jumped back down. Threw my Seed of Corruption on the first, the fourth, and the seventh pirate... BOOM!... BOOM!... BOOM! Wiped them all out. The captain was in his room but he was only stunned by the blasts. I walked up to him and told him that I would spare his life if he took the rest of his men and 7 other ships and left Booty Bay and never come back here. He agreed and went up to the deck with me and called his men off. Zhar'gak and I got off the boat and watched as the pirates ships sailed out of Booty Bay into the distance... just to make sure they were gone and didn't decide to turn back. So the fires in Booty Bay were still going but everyone was helping to put them out. Not too much fire damage, but several injured towns people. I don't think we'll be seeing those pirates again. Good Riddance!, for reals this time.