Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drunken Pirates

This was my last day to do Kaluak dailies to get exalted with those damn walrus people so I can get my epic fishing pole, so I made my way down to Kamagua and got my dailies. One of the quests I had to do was going to catch fish with a net that they provide for me and feeding some fury lion/walrus bulls fish and luring them across to the other island and meeting up with the furry lion/walrus cows and making them see each other and fall in love. It's a cute thing that the Kaluak want us to help them with, so I was always glad to help them out with that.
After I finished that quest I heard loud music and laughing coming from the other side of the island. I saw a building there and decided to go be nosey. I stopped off outside first and asked a pirate and a girl with eskimo looking tattoos what was going on inside. They just told me that some douche had too much to drink and is making a fool out of himself again. Haha, I had to see this. I went into the building and sure enough, I went up stairs and there's a drunken pirate dancing on the table. Doing some perverted dance and girating his hips towards me and all the other girls in there, creeper! The girls seemed to like it so I guess he was doing a good job.
Ok, back to Kamagua to turn in this for the last time, get exalted, get my fishing pole and my pengu pet and never have to do another thing for these turtle abusers ever again. Speaking of turtle abusers, I walked past some Kaluak guards and they
were sitting on top of baby turtles. That broke my heart and reminded me of my Tater. I don't know, maybe they don't have a problem with it. The turtle did have a smile on his face when he looked at me.
Just got exalted with this faction. now give me my fishing pole and my pet and I'm outta here. While I was flying off I saw a turtle boat. I thought it was Tater's mother for a sec but this one was a bit bigger and more on the yellow side. I flew closer and remembered that Tater's mom had told me that his father is their current active boat. And so this was Tater's father. He was so focused on getting the bunch of carrots that he'll never get, he paid no attention to me.  I wanted to take Tater out and let him see his dad but I knew the turtle driver would want to steal him away from me. So I flew off. It was better this way.
Went back to Dalaran to try out my new fishing pole. It had a good feel to it but I wouldn't trade my Jeweled fishing pole for it. Well at least my rep grind wasn't all in vain, I got a pet out of it.