Ok, I had the most freaky dream last night. I fell asleep in Undercity under the bank stairs listening to Jeremiah Payson going on and on about his roaches that he sells. He had an interesting story about a pet roach he had when he was a kid named Twitches. But I couldn't keep my eyes open and out I went.

The dream was about Goblins. Maybe because of my letter a few days before, I ended up dreaming that I WAS one! I was a Priest and I was getting into some pretty hairy messes. First off my Helm was AWESOME. it was heirloom gear and I had back, shoulders, and staff to go along with it. My name was Goblooey. Deathy was with me too. I had cute hair with a little skull pin in there and matching skull earrings. I also had a sabertooth black panther mount named Blacktooth. He was mean looking but very soft and cuddly with me.

So my dream was fine up until the point when Blacktooth and I were exploring in a cave and came across Wilmer Fizzlesparks, a gnome pilot that had flown in there and hit a boulder and broke something on his plane. Luckily I was an engineer and I was able to fix his problem. He had a bunch of explosives on board so I told him he needed to dump it before he took off. So he set them outside of the plane and started it up. I was fine with him leaving me there, I had my panther to take me out. All of a sudden it started to get hot in there and we couldn't understand why. One of the tunnels behind us started to glow bright red, and out of it walked a fire tortoise. We had set the explosives right at the front of the tunnel he was coming out of... OH GREAT!... I told Wilmer to go and as he was taking off I was trying to summon Blacktooth back to me. He was not coming. Wilmer dropped his plane's rope ladder and I grabbed on for dear life. The tortoise hit the boxes and it blew up instantly, and the tunnels all filled with fire and it was coming right for us. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap was all I could think. This was sooo gonna burn my butt. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank god! and out we went and I we were safe. No Barbecued Goblins. Wilmer lowered me down to the ground and we said good bye with a wave, there was nowhere for him to really land his plane so he didn't stop.

My next venture brought me to the shore where there was this huge robot chicken walking around. He had rockets tied to his wings. He didn't look like he was harming anything but this had evil plans written all over it. I needed to get him off the beach before some innocent kid comes along and gets blown up or something. I walked over to the chicken and I got within aggro range and he came charging towards me. I jumped on his back and started hitting him with Smite. All of a sudden the rocket fuses lit themselves. Holy Crap!

I tried to jump off but I was too late. We went straight up into the air. I was still hitting the chicken with everything I had. Finally just decided I needed to jump before this thing exploded. At least I was over water so I wouldn't go splat, but I am up really high so this is gonna hurt. SPLASH!!! I guess the force hitting the water knocked me out because I don't remember anything between the time I was falling to when I woke up on a piece of floating wood.

A goblin with 2 sparkly rods and another one claiming to be a doctor was there with me when I woke up. Apparently when I hit the water it knocked all the wind out of me and when I tried to breath in all I got was water. So I drowned and they pulled me out of the water and shocked me back to life. I gave them both big kisses and I needed to get on my way. They told me if I wanted to go to the nearest town I could use their car. I hopped in and made my way to the nearest goblin town.

All of a sudden the towns people started to go crazy. They were running in every direction. "Deathwing is here, He's come to kill us all". I stopped the car and looked up in the sky. Sure enough there was Deathwing. And then I woke up.