The Cleft in Org has a portal to the blasted lands which drops me off right outside of the dark Portal. I had to go to Shattrath to see someone about a shody bag I was sold a while ago. When I went down to the Cleft and walked up to the portal, Abatai started freaking out. "No no no no no, really bad idea, I not going with you." I asked him why and he said if I go through the portal he would dismiss himself and not come out if I summoned him in Hellfire Pennensula. Ok, now I needed to find out the reason behind his reaction, so I dismissed Abatai and went through the portal. It drops me off in the blasted lands. The Dark Portal is big and scary lookin'. I hate going through it because it feels likes I'm gonna get lost in space or something. I summon Zhar'gak, and we get up to the Dark Portal and jump through.

On the other side there are big flamin' rock dudes fighting. I asked Zhar'gak why does he think Abatai had such a problem with this place. He didn't know. So I went to the flight master and asked to fly to Thrallamar. As we're flying over I look down and see some imps that look like Abatai. I need to check this out. After I landed I went over to where I saw these imps and sure enough they look like Abatai and there was this really big mean red one. I kept my distance and looked at them for a good while. I wanted to bring Abatai out and ask him for sure if this was the reason, but I just left it at that. I'll ask him when we get back to the old world.

I flew down to Shattrath and searched for the Pub that the Vendor is that sold me this 22 slot Gigantique bag. There she is Haris Pilton in all her snooty glory. I asked her if I could get another one or get a 24 slot Portable hole as the one she sold to me was defective. She looked at me and laughed... What the hell is so funny. I want you to give me another bag. You sold me a piece of crap! She still refused, saying she's not responsible for anything that happends after she sells them. She did have a point, but I didn't even have it for very long before the last 2 slots kept dropping my items out of them. And I didn't spend 1200 gold for a 20 slot bag. She still refused to give me a refund or another bag. Alright you tramp, I didn't wanna have to do this. Zhar'gak! show Miss Pilton what happends when people try to rip off your master. "Don't threaten me!, Raliq!" Raliq the Drunk comes towards us and almost trips over some barstools. Buzz off Ogre mind your own business. Raliq looks at Haris and she tells him to escort us out of the pub. I whispered to Zhar'gak to take out Raliq but not to kill him. And Zhar'gak did just that. Raliq begged us not to hurt him anymore and ran out of the pub. Then I turned my minion onto this little doggie that was running around the place... Well what's it gonna be? a new bag or my minion ripping this dog's tiny little legs off?. "NO, TINKERBELL...FINE, I'll replace your bag... HERE!, now give me my baby! and don't come back!" Zhar'gak gave Haris back her dog. That's fine by me, and I'll tell all my friends not to buy anything from you ever! oh yeah and one more thing... come on, you really think we bought that whole "I thought that was bubble gum" excuse?... you are one sad little girl. And out of the pub we went.

I made it back to Orgrimmar and brought out Abatai and made him tell me everything about Hellfire Pennunsula and why he freaked. I told him I saw the imps that looked like him and the one big red one. This is what he had told me :"We hunt in packs of threes and the red ones are our leaders. They bully us around and if we don't want to do something , we get punished. I was punished a lot. I didn't want to go out and fight and wait for someone to come along only to try to kill them. That wasn't what I wanted to do and no matter how much I tried to tell them that I didn't want to keep doing all these things again, he would punish us by making us eat the fiery green flames that spewed out of the craters in Hellfire. Fire imps can withstand ingesting flames, but it hurt everytime we did it. I was tired of always being punished for making choices that were right by me, but wrong to evil Hellfire Imps. So I ran away through the dark portal and hitched a ride on a wyvern and ended up in Undercity. I hung out down by the portal to the blasted lands, just in case I realize I made a bad decision and the portal was right there so I could go home. Then the warlock trainer asked me if I needed a home and so he told me that the next warlock that came along will be my new master. You were the next warlock to come and train with him and that was over 2 years ago. I know I don't tell you or even show you everyday, but I am thankful that it was you who showed up."