Medelys and I were out questing in Crystalsong Forest one day. After about 3 hours of questing, she had asked if we could take a break. I was getting a bit tired anyways and I could see Abatai was also getting lazy and lagging behind. We decided to go back to Dalaran and sit outside at Antonidon Memorial and eat some junk food. I was craving a Red Velvet Cupcake for some reason. So we stopped off at Aimee the Pastry vendor and picked up these: 5 Red Velvet Cupcakes, 5 Dalaran Brownies, 5 Dalaran Doughnuts, 5 Carrot Cupcakes and 5 jugs of Sweetened Goat's Milk. You would think this would be waaaay too much for 2 little girls, but we've had a long day and we will finish this in one sitting. She hadn't seen my ring from Bageezus up close yet so I showed it to her, and she got this big smile on her face. Medelys is a bit of a tomboy and so we haven't really talked about boys, I could tell this was about that very topic. I'm like her big sister and she does tell me everything, but with boys, there's really nothing to tell because she's not out there falling in love but rather killing stuff. and I'm not the kind of person who would just ask about it either. If she felt like sharing then I'm here to listen. and believe me I was all ears and eager to hear her dish about boys.

Story about Serogate, Bloodelf Warlock told by Medelys:
Two days ago I was mining in Ice Crown and I saw a Titanium Node down in The Broken Front. So I popped my crusader aura and flew down to mine it. There was a mob of about 6 level 79's around my node. I NEEDED that node. I dismounted a safe distance out of sight of any bad guys and slowly went closer to pick them off one by one. As soon as I got close enough I hit the closest one to me with my Hand of Reckoning but when I did that he pulled the rest of the stooges along with him. Holy s**t! I thought. I went through everything I had to fight them off and heal myself at the same time. I lost all of my mana doing so and I was about to bite the dust. All of a sudden a voidwalker comes from behind me and starts helping me take out the last 2 Shadow Adepts. As I'm clutching my side with one hand and swinging away with my Runeblade with my other hand a Chaos Bolt goes whizzing past my head. Now I am grateful for anyone trying to help out a fellow man, but all I could think about was how pissed I would be if that singed my hair. Then I started to think about letting the voidwalker finish them off while I mine my titanium just in case this Warlock tries to jack it from me. Then I thought about it and if he or she did need it, then maybe that was the least I could do seeing as they did just save my life. When we were done killing them I looked up and I oh my god. I got butterflies. The most handsome bloodelf warlock I've ever seen just help me. He helped me closer to the rocks so I could heal up and regain my mana. "Hey missy, you alright?... that was a close one" all I could get out was "uhhh, uh huh", very embarrassing. "My name is Serogate, nice to meet you"... all I could get out was "m-m-m-Medelys" and a smile, I sounded like a total loser.

So we flew back to Dalaran and I thanked him for saving me. We were about to part ways but I asked him where he was off to and he said he need to go to Org to meet his guild leader for a meeting or something, and I said "oh, I need to go to Org too", of course I was lying. So we took the flight path to Warsong Hold to catch the Zepplin to Org. while in Flight Path, I remembered about the titanium ore that I FORGOT!... what a douchebag! Anywhos so we take the zepplin and I mount up while we were still on the zepplin over Org and I ride off the zepplin. Serogate sees me do it so he does the same. I look back to see where he is and he's plunging towards the ground. All I could do was watch. I guess he never trained up with the flight master to have the ability to fly in the old world. I fly down to him and cast my Redemption. Brings him back to life, "Well thank you for the rez sweetie, that was a bit embarrassing" I explained that he needed to train with the flight master to be able to fly here. He said he'd do it after his meeting tonight. I was sad we had to part ways for real this time. We said our good-byes, he bowed and I blushed and he said he'd like to see me again. So we have a date for tomorrow night... I'm so excited!!!! oh wait, I don't have anything to wear.

I loved our little girl talk we just had... we should defiantly have more of those. But it looks like she'll be off spending more time with Serogate and I'll be off with Bageezus. we might not find time to spend with each other. That's ok, I'm always here for her and she know is. If we don't see each other for long periods of time we usually just mail each other.