A bunch of stuff happened during this past Hallows End event. Although I am an undead I really don't care for the Halloween festivities. For one thing, when it comes to the candies, I can't help myself. Because I need to eat every different kind of candy that comes across my way, I puked on over 10 different occasions. You'd think I'd learned my lesson the first several times I did it... nope. The 3 times that sticks out in my mind was when I was up in Mok'nathal Village in Blade's Edge Mountains. Gholah the Innkeeper had given me a bag of treats and I ate half the bag and ended up puking all over her. Abatai was just rolling when I did that. He couldn't stop laughing. I apologized and she seemed rather calm about the whole thing. She said she gets it a lot. ewww. what did that mean? Maybe she's giving out rotten candies. Serves her right. Then I needed to finish some old quests in Ice Crown so Abatai and I went there. I was getting hungry and the only thing I had was the half bag of my treats from Gholah. So I ate the rest of it and sure enough I puked again. And Abatai got his kicks again. I finished out the quests there and went back to Dalaran. Went to Legerdemain Lodge and got more treats from Innkeeper Amisi Azuregaze started to eat it while I walked out the door. Right when I was about to mount up I puked again right outside the door. A Death Knight was standing right behind me and seen the whole thing. He laughed almost as hard as Abatai. "If you can't handle your candy little girl then maybe you shouldn't be eating it". "Mind your own business jerk!" is all I could tell him as I walked back into the Inn to ask the Bartender Arille Azuregaze for a napkin and a glass of water and to sit down for a bit.

I decided to take a walk around Dalaran and relax and walk off the gross feeling I had. So I did and I ran into Medelys. It was so good to see her again. I haven't seen her in a couple of days. She said she needed to show me something, and to please not get mad at her... Oh great I wonder what it was. I told her that I wasn't gonna promise anything. We went up to Krasus' Landing and right then I knew what it was. "Watch this sis!" Yup just what I thought. She got the friggen Headless Horseman Mount. "OMG!... that's awesome!" I was so jealous. I tried everyday for that drop. She was so proud of that thing I wasn't gonna take her moment away from her. I was proud of her. After all, she did learn everything she knew from me, Well besides all the paladin stuff. It actually kind of brought a tear to my eye. I couldn't tell if it was because I was proud of her or I was jealous because I really wanted that mount too. LOL... I'm kidding, it was because I was proud of her. She needed to finish some quests and I needed to go to Silvermoon City so we parted ways.

As I was in Silvermoon City I overheard some blood elves talking about a possible Headless Horseman attack on Falcon Square. I ran over there as fast as I could, just in time. That damn pumpkin head jerk was in the middle of trying to set fire to the town. I grabbed a bucket and started to throw them at the building as fast as I could. Other people were there helping as well. We were getting the fire down as fast as he was putting them up. Finally we were done and the Headless Horseman didn't get to set fire to this town. I got a Broom to ride around on and some douchebag threw a Pumpkin on my head. I thought it was funny so I didn't take it off. Hard to see with that thing on, but it was funny.

Darn I forgot I needed to do my Argent Dailies before I called it a night. So I put on my Argent Crusade Tabard and ported there. I Talked to the Inn keeper, Jarin Dawnglow, and got me another bag of treats. This time the candy I ate turned me into a Skeleton. I couldn't help but to jump around and dance. Abatai almost shot a firebolt at me because he didn't know who it was. I was pretty scary. Who knows, if I was still dead I would probably look like this.