I needed to go down to Sholozar Basin to River's Heart and try and fish up this ghostfish I've been hearing so much about. Apparently, this ghostfish makes you phase out and see things in like this ghost state. I'm not into eating drugs or anything, but I figure if this is a fish that does this to you then this shouldn't be bad for you right?... oh well either way I'm gonna try it. I ran into Medelys and told her where I was going and she said she'd come along and mine while I was fishing and then we could hang out for the day. Sounds good to me. I took the flight path down there and she decided to fly there on her own. Just in case she spotted some ore along the way she could stop. Flight paths are one stop travel.

When I arrive at the River's Heart I see an Alliance Mage fishing as well. I was going to ask her if she was trying to catch the ghostfish too, but I remembered that she can't understand me. I'd just sound like jibberish mumbo jumbo to her. Oh well, so we just waved a eachother and that was that. Medelys arrived and forgot to empty her bag in her Guild Bank before she left Dalaran. /sigh . that's fine I'll hold some stuff for you. It's a good thing she took her own way here. She got a stack of Saronite ore and 11 Titanium ore from just the flight down here. Alrightee my dear, good luck finding more around here. Back to fishing for me. Just a little under a half an hour goes by and I get the biggest tug in my line. I thought I had snagged one of the Threshers (apatosaurus looking things) that were swimming around in the deeper part of the lake. And I didn't think it was the ghostfish because this thing was no bigger then the needlefishes that I was catching this whole time either. I'm reeling it in and I see an orange/purple/green glow coming towards me. OMG I got it... Woot! I pull it up, take it off my hook and lay it on the sand. Hmm now how the heck do I eat this? Do I cook it or just eat it raw? I decided to cook half of it just in case.

An Orc Shaman had come by me when he heard me getting all excited. He didn't know how to eat it either. I told him I'd give him some and we can both try it. He wanted to show me this cool trick he did the other day and wanted to see if it would work today or if it was just a fluke. He took out his tinder and flint to make the cooking fire set the tinder down in the water and dropped the flint onto it and woosh! the fire lit under the water!!!. That was amazing! It was hard to cook the fish only because I was trippin out about how he made the fire. We both take a piece and eat it. ok, nothing is happening.

Maybe we do have to eat it raw. The cooking process might have taken away the element that has the crazy effects. I cut us both off a piece from the raw fish. Ohhh.... Kayyyyyyy. Sooooomethiiiings happppppening. Everything turns white and black with a blue tint and all foggy. I look around the basin and all I could hear was Mako (the Orc Shammy) laughing but it was muffled. He grabs onto me to try to keep his balance. We walk up on the shore together and sit down. I couldn't see him but I could feel his touch and hear his muffled voice. He starts to cry. "I don't like this one bit! I want it to stop!" I try to calm him down. "don't worry it's only supposed to last a few more seconds, just lay down". And it was over. I turned to Mako and he's wiping away his tears. He apologizes for being such a baby. No worries, I felt bad for letting him try that with me. I knew what it was supposed to do. I just assumed that since he did that trick with the cooking fire that he was down here trying it. Oh well it's done with and now he knows not to ever try it again.

Mako leaves. that was kinda awkward. I still was sitting down on the beach and I figured I had sometime until Medelys comes back so I lay back down. whoa! a rainbow!!! aw man, I gotta go get a better view of this. I mount up and fly above the river. That is so amazing! I try to look if I could see Medelys coming back while I was up there, but I don't see her. I hope she gets back in time to see this. Holy crap. it's so beautiful! it's so vivid!, It's almost a double rainbow! I see her... MEDELYS HURRY UP!...

Well it turns out it was no surprise to her. She's been mining in Sholozar a lot and she's seen a bunch of them. whatever. I thought it was amazing. We fly down to the waterfall and Medelys needed to cool off. She had a bunch of ore and eternals in her bag. I watched it while she jumped in the water. The only reason why she stopped mining was because her bags were full, but it was good timing. When she got out we sat and chatted a bit. She was fighting with two alliance and three horde for the nodes. None of them were Paladins so she had the advantage with her crusader aura. Makes her mount speed go faster. Good job. We chatted about what's been going on the past few days since we saw eachother last, boys and some girl gossip. All in all this was a really good day. I found out that the ghostfish is one fish I won't be in a rush to eat again and Medelys just made a bunch of gold for herself. Good Times!