The whole time as I was in the dungeon with 5 members of my guild I couldn't help but think about getting to Moonglade. I was determined to find Bageezus. My guild successfully ran 5 dungeons that night and I got new gear from every single one of them. Awesome! They knew I was in a rush because I wasn't asking noob question like I usually do. I kept my reasoning to myself. Boys wouldn't understand the mushiness of what girls think about.

As soon as we were done I hopped onto the flight path and off to Moonglade I went. The flight path drops you far from town so I mounted up and continued towards NightHaven. I searched every single building and right as I turned around, there was Bageezus coming out of the last building that I didn't check. I was so overjoyed to see him that I jumped right off my White War Talbuk and sprinted over to him. I gave him a big hug and squeezed as hard as I could. He said he knew I'd be here looking for him and that he had a surprise for me. We rode over to the west side of Lake Elune'ara and he pulled out a ring, Marrowgar's Frigid Eye. A beautiful BoE drop ring from Lord Marrowgar in Ice Crown Citadel. He dropped down to one knee and asked me to marry him. "Of course!" I yelled. I 'm sure the whole Moonglade could hear that. He is such a sweetheart.
I Love You Bageezus!