OMG I'm in Org and why is there crazy earthquakes every 15 or so minutes?!?! Something doesn't feel right. I don't like this one bit. I took my hearth back to Dalaran and everything is fine. I stopped off at the Legerdemain's Lounge, went up stairs and fell asleep. I guess I was so tired that I had slept for 2 days straight. Now when they say "I'll sleep when I'm dead" I don't think they really know what they are talking about, cuz I can tell you different. As I walked out of the Inn something was not right. Dalaran was like a ghost town. It's usually so busy that I can't go anywhere without almost getting run over by someone. I expected to see tumbleweeds rolling around like in the westerns. I saw a troll hunter sitting on the stairs of the Horde bank and asked him why the city was so empty. He asked if I was new to Azeroth and I told him no. He gave out a chuckle and proceeded to tell me what had happened to the old world lands. "Deathwing has been awakened and pretty much jacked everything up" the troll said. I thanked him for the info, walked into the bank and sat on the bench by the door and started to cry. I didn't know if my friends were alright. Bageezus must be so worried about me he hadn't seen or heard from me in 2 days. I quickly ran to the portal to Org but they were gone!!! The only way back to Org is the zepplin from Borean Tundra and that's after a half and hour flight path to Warsong Hold from Dalaran *sigh*. Well, that's my only other option. It might take forever for me to find a Mage here to port me straight to Org... Flight path it is.

As the zepplin reaches the Durotar shore I could see fires and smoke coming from all parts of the land. What happened to Orgrimmar?!? It's all different and scary looking. I wanted to cry. Not from the sight of the new Org but knowing the devistation that lies beyond the gates of Orgrimmar. I needed to see our Warchief Thrall so as the zepplin docked I went straight to the nearest guard and asked where I could find him. He gave out a big orcish laugh and said that Thrall went swimming. WTH does that mean I thought. Then he told me that their new leader Gorrash Hellscream was in Grommash Hold in the Valley of Strength. So I went to see him. Thrall was the nicest warchief around and really made everyone feel like they mattered. Then in walks Garrosh Hellscream who looks 10x meaner and he was just so cold and cruel. A true "Take no shit from anyone and you'll like it" attitude. It makes for a good warrior but if he keeps this up he'll end up with a bunch of daggers and swords in his back. I wanted to know a few things and was hoping he could give me answers. All he did was snicker at me and tell me that he couldn't be bothered at the moment due to plans on an impending Deathwing attack that he needed to go over with his soldiers that could get the job done. I missed Thrall already and I'm not sure if we'll see him again.

I needed to go and see the devastation myself so I mounted on my Violet Proto Drake and flew west towards the barrens. I started south towards the crossroads and in the distance I could see a gulch of some sort. Holy Crap! This is terrible! The barrens is split in half by this crack called The Great Divide. Lava flowed through it and I was concerned for my drake so I landed, dismounted and continued on foot. I wanted to see if anything happened to the Wailing Caverns. So I was on my way there and I was trying to stay out of sight of the Centars that patrol that area and I guess I went to close to the edge and I slipped and fell. I plunged a good 40 feet and landed on a ledge. I hit my head pretty hard but I didn't get knocked out or anything. It was quiet down there besides the bubbling of the lava and as I was about to mount up and get the heck out of there, I heard clanking of metal followed by a cry coming from below me closer to the lava. I looked down another ledge and there was a little metal murlock trying to scratch his way up the side of the rocks. He looked a bit dangerous but I figured I'd try to help him out anyways. So I jumped down and stood there for a sec to see if he was gonna do anything to me. I think I frightened him a bit. he was still trying to climb up the wall so I pushed his feet up and he made it to the next ledge. Then he looked down at me as to tell me to follow him and help him up the next one. I figured to take the work out of it and just mounted up on Albie, my Albino Drake. I put my arms out for him and he jumped. Albie took us to the top and we got off near the pond right outside of Wailing Caverns. I sat in the grass while the little murlock ran circles around me. I'm guessing he was thankful for the help and I was thankful that he didn't gnaw my face off. I told him goodbye and as I was walking away he started to follow me. I asked him if he wanted to stay with me and he nodded and blew fire and jumped up and down. Alright then, you can come with me... I'll call you Deathy.