Dear Orgrimmar land association,
I am writing to complain about these horrible Goblins. If you haven't noticed by now, the Slums is a disaster area. The whole section is an eyesore to everyone besides Goblins. Where do I start! There's a big air balloon that has tanks leaking oil everywhere. The darn balloon doesn't even go anywhere. The once beautiful lake is now polluted, no living thing can survive in there. The fish are all dead and floating and there are barrels gathering up in the drop in he stream and oil is leaking out of them. Not to mention the horrid smell of sewer and rotting fish. There are kids that play in the lake and people are fishing out of there. God knows the only fish that can survive in these waters are not suitable for consumption. I had warned several people, but I was not going to stay there all day telling people something that common sense would tell them. I suggest either telling the goblins they need to find another place to make their home or cite each and every one of them that is contributing to the deterioration of Orgrimmar.
Thank you for your time,

So that was my letter that I wrote to the Head of Orgrimmar Land and Resources. They Replied back with this:
Dear Anonymous patron of Orgrimmar,
We at HOL would like to thank you for your letter. Your concerns have it's valid points and we do see the damage the Goblins have been doing to the Slums community. Unfortunately we can not do anything about it. Warchief Garrosh has enlisted the finest Goblin leaders to join forces with the Horde and that means having them share a piece of Orgrimmar. The Slums were given to the Goblins to do with it as they see fit and if that means turning it into an "eyesore" for an area then so be it. We at the HOL apologize for the late response, but our hands are tied with this matter. Have a good day.

What the heck ever. I mean I don't go to the Slums a lot but the few times that I do go there when the Cooking trainer sends me out to get him some prickly pear fruit off the cacti bushes, I have to go there because no one wants to get them from there. So they are all over the place. I have to pick them quick and get out. The smell makes me wanna puke. Even worse, sometimes the fishing trainer has me fish him up some toxic puddlefish which can only be caught in the waters in the slums there so I have to stay there longer. But I only agree to help him with that if I'm hard up for gold. Other then that, he can go fish up his own damn smelly half dead fish. But he does pays good, I'll give him that.
Abatai and I were walking around there the day I decided to write my letter. We looked at the oil spilling in the river by the dam. The barrels gathering up and no one is going to clean it up, so terrible. Well anywhos, Abatai is hopping around in front of me and I don't see him and I trip right over him and SPLASH! right into the nasty water I go. SICK!!! EWWW!!! As I'm down there I see fish floating and the water is a glowing green color... um yeah, that's so not normal. I can't believe I see the goblin kids play in this water. There's little horsey floaty things around the lake but when you sit on them your feet dangle in the water so you're not safe on those either. Maybe the Goblins have an immunity to anything in this water. ewww.

While I was by the lake there were these two goblins fighting about something and I wanted to be nosey so I went a little bit closer so I could hear better. They were arguing about who was gonna take the blame for not greasing some bolts and not tightening the auxiliary pipes on the Horde Demolishers they build for Garrosh's army. That was kind of a major thing to mess up on. Seeing as how close we were to actually having to use them. A test run resulted in a Demolisher catching on fire and half of it blowing up. That was a lot of time and gold wasted on one of those things. Yikes, and punishment will come too. Oh well, one less Goblin in the slums. I'm kidding, yeah that was kind of mean. Sorry.
While I was making my way to leave the place there were little huts that caught my eye. A sweet Goblin named Tanzi was serving mugs of ale to her Husband and his friends. She was a good Goblin wife, but we got to talking and she didn't like the slums at all. She came with her husband from Bilgewater Harbor and she had said it was much nicer there. Sometimes she thinks of moving back there by herself. We talked for a bit and then her husband demanded her attention. Thats not right, but I guess you can get that anywhere. Males of the races/species think they own their women, Phsaw, yeah right. Tanzi was a nice girl and if I take anything positive away from this filthy place, My visit with her will be it.
My last not so very pleasant Goblin encounter involved 2 snooty girls. I didn't think they were nasty at first but when I passed them the one mage says something to the warlock and the warlock just laughs. Usually I brush it off but I had to stop and ask them what was their problem. The warlock says to me "You just look like one of those kinds of people that judge everything and everyone before you know the full story".. then the mage says "We were watching you walk around this place for the past few days inspecting everything like you were writing a novel about something, and the whole time with this disgusted look on your face"... "We should be asking YOU what's YOUR problem?" the warlock says. I was shocked, I was embarrassed and I just wanted to run out of there with my tail tucked between my legs, but I don't have a tail so I wasn't gonna do that. I stuttered over my words when I responded. "Well first of all you're right, I did judge you goblins before I came here, but look at this place!... It's terrible" "You don't think we know that, we're trying to make them clean up this place" It's not the whole race that's doing this it's the bunch of bad eggs in this community, and there are a lot of them" Well our little talk did kind put me in my place and wish I never judged all the goblins. At the end of my visit I came out looking like the jerk.


So that was my letter that I wrote to the Head of Orgrimmar Land and Resources. They Replied back with this:
Dear Anonymous patron of Orgrimmar,
We at HOL would like to thank you for your letter. Your concerns have it's valid points and we do see the damage the Goblins have been doing to the Slums community. Unfortunately we can not do anything about it. Warchief Garrosh has enlisted the finest Goblin leaders to join forces with the Horde and that means having them share a piece of Orgrimmar. The Slums were given to the Goblins to do with it as they see fit and if that means turning it into an "eyesore" for an area then so be it. We at the HOL apologize for the late response, but our hands are tied with this matter. Have a good day.

While I was by the lake there were these two goblins fighting about something and I wanted to be nosey so I went a little bit closer so I could hear better. They were arguing about who was gonna take the blame for not greasing some bolts and not tightening the auxiliary pipes on the Horde Demolishers they build for Garrosh's army. That was kind of a major thing to mess up on. Seeing as how close we were to actually having to use them. A test run resulted in a Demolisher catching on fire and half of it blowing up. That was a lot of time and gold wasted on one of those things. Yikes, and punishment will come too. Oh well, one less Goblin in the slums. I'm kidding, yeah that was kind of mean. Sorry.
While I was making my way to leave the place there were little huts that caught my eye. A sweet Goblin named Tanzi was serving mugs of ale to her Husband and his friends. She was a good Goblin wife, but we got to talking and she didn't like the slums at all. She came with her husband from Bilgewater Harbor and she had said it was much nicer there. Sometimes she thinks of moving back there by herself. We talked for a bit and then her husband demanded her attention. Thats not right, but I guess you can get that anywhere. Males of the races/species think they own their women, Phsaw, yeah right. Tanzi was a nice girl and if I take anything positive away from this filthy place, My visit with her will be it.