OMG OMG OMG!... I was so thrilled I got to meet the beautiful Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. BUT during my visit with her, the horrible Deathwing came. She told me to leave before I get hurt but I needed to stay and help anyway I could. So I refused but her son Calen came and forced me to leave now with him. He grabbed me and we flew off a safe distance. I had asked Calen why Deathwing had it out for his mother and he told me that he came to her shortly after he was freed and gave her an ultimatum, either she join him in his destruction of Azeroth or he kills her and her people. Of course she will never join forces with Deathwing to bring the world to an end so he has come back to do what he had told her he would. She will fight till the death to stop him.

Calen took me up closer. I wasn't in range to help out. So all we could do was watch and hope she would win. As much as Calen wanted to help, he knew he wasn't strong enough to fight. And if he tried, Alexstrasza would have to worry about him getting hurt as well. Deathwing had his followers keeping the Dragonkin at bay so they couldn't get close enough to the fight to help her.

Dragon flames everywhere! We were very far away but I could feel the heat from the breaths going back and forth. How could she win this fight. Deathwing is half metal, Alexstrasza is full Dragon flesh. There is no way she could survive this. I almost didn't want to watch the end of this fight because I know what's going to happen and who's gonna win. And Calen needs to be as far away from Deathwing when that happens. He's going to want to get revenge for his mother's death and Deathwing knows that so he's gonna come straight for Calen.

Flamebreath, bite, flamebreath, face clawed. Alexstrasza looks like she's wearing down Deathwing. I'm surprised she's lasting this long. I really hate to be thinking that way, but look at Deathwing compared to her. She's smaller, but she's doing very well. Yeah, Deathwing was getting tired and his flamebreath is running out of juice. They're turning a
pinkish tint. She fired back with one last breath. Deathwing lunges at her and they both go tumbling down the side of the mountain. Alexstrasza hits her head a few times hard on the rocks and falls to the ground.

Deathwing falls off the far side of the mountain. Calen swoops down to his mother's side. She is badly hurt. "Where is Deathwing?" she asks us. "Mother stay still, your wounds are great, he has fallen, you saved Azeroth". A rumbling comes from behind us. "um guys, I don't think he's dead". "What, this can't be... Deathwing lives". "Take my mother and Deadskully away from here, I will hold off the Aspect of Death"... "Calen NO! He is to powerful". "Mother I must! go now!" Dragonkin grabs the both of us and flys off. The last thing we see is Calen in his dragon form engulfed in Deathwing's flames. I turn to Alexstrasza and she is staring off into the sky. "Such a beautiful blue sky, we will never get to see another like it. Calen He can't be stopped..... he can't be stopped.... he can't be stopped...." Then she passes out. She's right as long as Deathwing is alive, he will stop at nothing to bring an end to this world. Where his blood is shed, nothing will grow for a thousand years. This might be a battle we will lose.