I heard about this Giant sewer rat that I could fish up down in the sewers in Dalaran. I took my jeweled fishing pole and my weather beaten fishing hat and went to try and catch this elusive rodent. As I was walking up to go through the pipes I saw a rat squeaking at 4 baby sewer turtles... reminded me of something I couldn't quite put my finger on it... hmmmm *shrug* oh well, it was cute anyhow. I walked through the pipes and on the other side is a pier where there was no one fishing. I grab my spot at the end of the pier and start my fishing. An hour goes by and I have a bag of junk. Fish I would never eat, and a bunch of gross bones. The only things that were worth anything was the leaded and crystal vials that I can give to Bageezus for his alchemy. I got tired so I decided to sit down and continue fishing. Dammit, if I only brought a chair. I'm so over this darn rat. Just a couple more casts and then I'm getting out of this stink hole. Cast my line, damn I got something big or I'm caught on the dock again. Pull harder... OMG I got it!!!! I got the Giant Sewer Rat!!! Awww he's so cute. I'm gonna take him to Breanni and buy a leash and clean him up!

Wow. With my luck being as awesome as I was I wanted to try to go and fish up the turtle mount now. I took the flight path down to Moa'ki harbor and started fishing in the Manta Ray pools because the turtles like to eat the fishes and what better place to get fish then in the pools where they're all bunched up. After fishing in several pools and nothing, I saw another one near the turtle boat. I felt bad for this turtle because he has a bunch of crap built on his back.

And how cruel of the Kalu'ak to dangle a bunch of carrots in front of him to make him swim. I just shake my head and finish up fishing in that pool. As I fished up my last Manta in that pool I heard a "pssst" coming from somewhere around the turtle. I didn't see any Kalu'ak on the turtle so I figured I was just hearing things. Then I heard it again. "um, yes?" I said. "Oh please can you help me?" the voice said. "depends on what it is you need help with, and who are you?". Then the turtle boat turned to me and said "My name is Tortiana and I need you to take my baby and keep him safe far away from these walrus people." I almost slipt off the rocks when she started talking to me. That was kinda freaky. "I don't want him to end up like me and if he stays here they will start to build on his back from a young age to give their children transportation from here to

Unu'pe and Kamagua so he'll be used to the distance when he gets older." Now I was appalled by what I saw done to Tortiana and I couldn't imagine a baby turtle having to endure that. "Of course I will take him". "Tatier is only 4 weeks old but very strong. He is able to carry you where you need to go. slow on land but quick in water. I'm sorry I have to ask you to do this for me but since everything is in chaos in the old world, I haven't seen a soul for weeks." "No problem, I will take excellent care of him." Tatier appeared from under his mother. "Wait!... stay there little guy". I swam towards them and under his mother, motioned for Tatier to follow me, sat on his shell and pointed for him to swim away from Moa'ki harbor. If we went the other way, there was no way we could get away from there without the Kalu'ak seeing us leave. I felt bad for taking this baby away from his mother, but I knew it was for he best. And I take care of all my mounts and companions. As we were surfacing, I just realized, Holy crap! I just got the turtle mount that I went there to fish. As excited as I was I had to think of Tatier's feelings of having to leave his mother for the first time since he hatched. We found a safe shore to rest at and I sat and talked to him for a bit. First off can I call you something different?, I know, I'll call you Tater. We needed to get off this beach before they realize Tater was gone, so I mounted up on Violet, my violet proto drake, and off we went.

Tater and I went to Dalaran and as I was walking to the Horde Inn, there were 3 other people on their turtle mounts. I gave them credit, they actually fished up theirs and mines was just handed to me, which now that I think about it is a pretty special way to get it. I mounted up on Tater and went to stand by them. We brought out our Speedy pet companions too. When we jumped with the turtle mounts they would make a squeak and suck back into their shells. It was really cute. Alright that was enough of this. As fun as it was to just poot around for a short bit, I needed to see the cooking trainer to learn my last Dalaran cooking recipe. The time I spent down there trying to fish for my turtle took longer then I planned. I needed to head back down to Org to get ready for a guild run. The new recipe I got was Fish Feast and that would help our guild with food buffs and stuff, nom nom.