Yesterday I fell asleep in Dalaran on a bench by the monument. I woke up in my dream to an empty Dalaran. I remember it was like this a few months ago after Cataclysm hit the old world so I wasn't completely sure if I was sleeping.

So I went to the flight master in Krasus' Landing and flew to Sholozar basin. When I got there all of a sudden the mount I was on disappeared and I was flying, Um yeah, I definitely was dreaming. Unless I learned an awesome new ability which I don't think I did. So yeah I was dreaming. I flew around for a good hour I think and that got really boring quick. So I decided to go to Orgrimmar and see what my dream had made for me there. Zepplin ride was the same, blah. So when I go to Org I mounted up and was flying over the Valley of Strength and I looked down and saw a bunch of people gathered up. What was going on I thought, so flew down to check it out.

They were giving away free Scorpion mounts. No friggen way!!! stood in line like everyone else, but they called my name. "Deadskully to the front of the line please!" "Oh, that's me!"Here you go little girl. No ways! I got a scorpion mount. Dammit, too bad this was just a dream. So I mounted up on my new G-ride and cruised around Orgrimmar. Yay, look at me! Ok enough of the scorpion, I needed to check out more goodies. I was asking people around Org where I could go if I wanted to see something cool. Someone told me Twilight Highlands has this really creepy, gross dangerous pit. That sounded interesting so I went there. I took the portal in Org to Dragonmaw Port and asked a Dragonmaw guard where this pit was.

The guard pointed me in the right direction. So I mounted up and went to where it was. I was getting closer and I saw spiny tentacles. It was scary even from afar. Got a little bit closer and the tentacles were trying to grab me, I assuming to toss me into the pit. I don't think so! I dodged and weaved through them and finally got close enough to see the pit. Too scary I did not want to try and find out what was inside. I zoomed right out of there. I think I seen enough of this place.

I took my Hearth back to Org and took the Portal to Nordrassil in Mt Hyjal. When I landed Ysera came right up to me and asked if I could help her friend up in Whistling grove get baby bears out of a tree. The baby bears got stuck in the trees and couldn't get down. I agreed and so I flew over there. It was a funny sight. Baby bears were really stuck. The mother was pacing back and forth at the bottom of the tree. I had to fly to the top of the tree because the mother bear wouldn't know that I was there to help her babies down so she would want to try and kill me thinking I was there to hurt them. So I reached the top of the tree and grabbed onto a baby bear. OK how am I gonna do this. Oh, there's a trampoline not far from the tree. So I tossed the first cub into the trampoline. It did a few flips but it was safe. haha that was funny... NEXT! 2 more cubs and I was done. The mother bear licked her cubs and off into a den they went. Ysera gave me 10 gold as payment for helping. I refused, mainly because I wasn't gonna actually be getting this gold seeing as this was a dream and all.

My dream jumped to Deepholm on a flying ship. Inside the ship was this Ogre named Mor'norokk. He was terrorizing people in there. An Alliance on a gryphon asked me to help kill him. Hmmm helping Alliance? fine I guess so. We found the meanie Ogre and I asked him to kindly leave the ship and never come back. He seemed rather ok with it and said he was sorry if he caused any trouble. Then while the Alli and I were walking him to the top of the ship he turned around and laughed in my face, grabbed me by my throat, jumped to the top of the rafters and dangled me off the edge over the hole in the boat. The Alliance on his gryphon came from behind him and tried to make him let me go but it was too late. He dropped me. I fell to my death all the way to the bottom landing on the Deepholm floor.

When I opened my eyes there was the beautiful Spirit Healer in front of me. I looked around and I was in the Barrens. Good, I hate Deepholm. And then I woke up. Hmmm thank goodness, I didn't like that dream