I Went to Deepholm to Therazane's Throne and a rock dude was going around asking people to help him find his son Pebble, that got lost in one of the caves around here. I told him I would go out and find him without even thinking that this place is made of rocky caves this is gonna be a needle in a haystack hunt. I heard about this really crazy Gyroworm that circles around in a cave near here so I wanted to check him out, I figured I'd look for him there. I found the cave with the Gyroworm thingy. This was gonna be tough to get past him. He circles around this junction and doesn't seem to slow down. I tried to hit him but he was immune to everything I threw at him. He was going to fast for me to run on foot so I had to mount up and run. Here goes nothing, I waited for him to comeback around and right as it's tail went past me, I took off. I tried to keep up with it but it was going too fast so Tally, my White War Talbuk, and I ducked into an opening to wait for him to come back around. Waited again and then we followed like before. Phew, we made it through. I saw something on the ledge ahead of us. It was Pebble.

Tally and I weren't high enough to grab him down and he was too scared to jump, which probably would have been a good thing because this little guy is made of rock and I probably would have been knocked out if I caught him with my head, so we had to find out what worm hole tube leads to this ledge. It has to be to the left, kind of like in a circle. We went left, and then straight and then left again. Ok now I'm all turned around. Aw crap, this took me to the big room where I can see Pebble again up on the ledge. Alright lets try this again. Left, then left...

Sweetness! I see him. I talked to him and asked him what he was doing so far from his dad and he said he as exploring and got lost. Alright little guy follow me and I'll take you back. So we went all the way back out of the cave, past the big scary crazy gyroworm and out of the cave we went. Hopped up into Sarthy, my black drake and up back to Therazane's throne we went. Took pebble back to his dad and he asked me to please stay around a bit while he talks to his dad because his dad won't yell at him if someone is by them. His dad was just glad to see that he was safe. Pebble told his dad why he went wandering and it's just because he wants to see the world and not stay in Deepholm his whole baby rock life. Now I did not know this was coming, but Pebble asked his dad if he could let me be his new guardian. My jaw dropped and I didn't know what to say. His dad looked at me and asked if that would be ok with me. I said sure, and as much as his dad didn't want to say yes, he did. "I know you'll keep him safe Deadskully. You brought my son back to me unharmed and I know you'll take good care of him, but please bring him by to see me as much as possible". I agreed and Pebble and I were off back to Orgrimmar. Wow I have a new companion, BUT I also have another obligation to go back to Deepholm. Yipee!... and yes that was sarcasm.