After my whole Orgrimmar Goblin incident a while back, I decided to suck it up and go back to the slums and just get used to it. So I went out there and sat by the gross lake to relax. Despite the look of the place the goblins were actually kind of nice. Some of them stopped by and asked if I was ok, or if I wanted a floaty to go swimming. I kindly declined, but in my head was thinking "are you nuts? It's nasty"

Anyways I was actually falling asleep when I hear this little girl goblin startin a fuss a little ways behind me. Me being the nosey person that I am I turned to see what was going on. A little goblin was at a vendor trying to buy a Trike. " 80 silver for that? come on, it's a piece of junk. I only have 22 silver and 98 copper."
"sorry sweetie, I have kids to feed, I can't be giving discounts to everyone that doesn't have enough silver to pay." The vendor replied"COME ON!, ok hows about I give you an I.O.U. and I'll give you more silver then you're selling it for when I pay you back? I'm good for it I swear". "Sorry no can do little lady". *pout*

She walks away with her head hung down. Wow, she really wants that Trike. She goes to sit on the ground at the edge of the water and puts her face in her hands and started to cry. My heart broke. I wish there was someone around during my poor days to do this for me. Here I go. I walked up to her and told her to follow me. We went back to the Kall Worthaton, the Trike vendor, and bought 2 trikes, one for her and one for me. She was so excited and she thanked me close to a hundred times. we left the vendor and sat on the beach chairs. She started to cry. "Thank You so much. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, I'll pay you back, with interest I promise" "No need to, I needed to do my good deed for the year anyways"... and we both laughed.
"My name is Deadskully by the way",
"Goblooey, nice to meet you"
That name sounded so farmiliar but I couldn't put my finger on it where I've heard it, meh.

She was eager to ride her trike so she asked if I wanted to go riding around with her. Off we went riding around Org. The trikes are fun. I'm glad I bought one. I needed to be going to finish up helping some dudes in Tol Barad so I had to be on my way. She asked what I was doing after that, and I really didn't have anything to do so I said I'd be back in about an hour. "Yay!, I'll be around here riding around and waiting". So I left for the portal to Tol Barad. I started to think if that was a bad idea. I hope she doesn't irritate me. If she asks me for gold this friendship isn't gonna work. There's nothing worse then someone you don't even know asking for gold. But she hasn't done that yet so far so good.

Tol Barad errands went pretty quick. I grouped up with 2 others and we cranked them out really quick. I got on my trike and proceeded to ride around Org trying to find Goblooey again. Went back to The Slums but I couldn't find her. Maybe if I fly I will have a better chance at finding her from above. Still no Sign of the little Goblin. Oh well, I'll prolly run into her another time. As I was flying out of Org I saw a trike in a watery ditch. As I got closer I saw there was someone in it. Flew down as quick as Violet would take me to help them. I had Violet help me pick the trike up. Oh No! it was Goblooey! She was sill breathing but unconscious. We brought her out of the watery ditch and I slapped her face and she woke up. She cried and said she would never use her Trike again. She doesn't even have her license anyways. I told her I would teach her how to ride it. So that's what we did for the rest of the day.