"I lost my p-p-pet chicken, I need help f-f-finding her" he stutteres
"Alright, I can help, where did you lose her?"
"up by my house in the Heartland."
"but that's where all your chicken coops are, there's a bunch of chickens running around up there. How am I supposed to tell which one is her? What does she look like?"
"Well she's a white chicken and her name is Betty... Betty the White chicken." says Hillpaw

"ok, that does NOT narrow it down" I say sarcastically. "but fine, Dags and I will do our best to find her". I mount up on Ony and off we flew to the Heartland to Hillpaw's Chicken Farm.
Miranda, Hillpaw's Field Hand, was there tending to her marsh crops. "Miranda!, Hillpaw lost Betty and he asked me to find her. can you tell me what she looks like?" I ask
"Hey Skully, well Old Hillpaw always looses her. Is he down in Halfhill drinking with CheeChee again?"
"Yeah, I take it he does that often?"
"Only when he loses Betty, which is everyday, but she always comes back when he returns home. I don't know why he doesn't pick up on the pattern. But, that's my boss... I tell you what, just find any random white chicken and go take it to him in Halfhill... I will bet you 50 gold, he will think it's Betty and get so excited that you found her. He will reward you with something. The real Betty has pink toe nails, I painted them the last time he lost her and asked me to find her. But you need to be very careful, there are evil Bush Chickens hiding in the marshes. Those need to be killed asap. They eat my crops and are very vicious."

"We shall see" giggles Miranda

I creep up to her slowly and kneel down, "betty, betty come here" I whispered. Before leaving Hillpaw in Halfhill I grabbed some bread off the table so I crumbled that up and sprinkled it on the ground.
Betty got closer and closer...

WOOT!!! I was so excited to be taking her back to Hillpaw... I got back on Ony and flew as fast as I could to halfhill. Hillpaw was still in the same spot in front of the bread table.
"Hillpaw, Old Hillpaw!!! I found Betty, I found your chicken!" I say as I hand her to Hillpaw.

"Oh my goodness Deadskully, Thank you so much, I was lost without her. Come back in about an hour and I will give you your payment."
"Oh it's not necessary, It was my pleasure to help you out".
"Nonsense, you saved my Betty, I want to show my thanks so comeback in an hour." insists Hillpaw.
"Alrightee, see you later" and off Dags and I go to work on my Songbell farming on Sunsong Ranch"
An hour goes by and I get back to Hillpaw.
"Ahh Deadskully *hic*... just in time. Here is your reward for finding Betty.... Roasted White Chicken." says Hillpaw as he hands me a platter of a fully roasted chicken.
"HILLPAW?!?!?! Is this Betty!?!?!?" I ask terrified of the answer
"Why yes, now she won't keep running away from me" says Hillpaw as he tears a leg off and chomps down on it.
"No thank you, I think I'll pass"
~The End~
The bottom pic I thought was funny.
"WoW Life and Real Life"...
Hillpaw's Farm on the top and my Dad's yard back home