After getting Dark Horse, I finally decided to make my journey to Netherstorm. I went though the Dark Portal and got on Heady. Dark Horse cant fly so I couldn't roll around on him. and I was not about to walk my butt all the way up there. That would be insane!
As we were flying I saw below me a Fel Reaver. I hate those things. They are ginormous demonic death machines that walk all around Hellfire Peninsula. The Burning Legion uses them as sentinels to guard their forge camps where engineers are busy at work mass producing new Fel Reavers. I have never tangled with one of those.

Oh what the heck, not like I haven't veered off my agenda before right? I take Heady down to the ground a good 100 yards or so in front of the Reaver.

When he got closer I sent Dags first. He chopped at it's feet but it wasn't doing anything. Great, I did bite off more then I could chew. My spells weren't doing much damage to it's legs either. If I pull Dags off, there is no way we can turn around and outrun it. It's too big and it has longer strides. Crap! Just as I was getting ready to call Dags back I notice the cage like chest piece it had. dripping from it was some kind of scalding fel liquid. It looks like the cage was protecting something behind it. I took aim and threw my shadow bolts directly into it's chest.

The Reaver stumbled back, the first sign of weakness since we've been trying to kill this thing. Knowing I figured it out, the Fel Reaver wanted to squish Dags like a bug. It picked up its leg and was ready to squish my Demon. I don't think so!!!... Demon form and Chaos wave into the cage was the killing blow and stopped it permanently... or so I thought. It stood in place for a about a minute. I called Dags back and it started to shake like it was ready to explode. You could hear nuts and bolts exploding out of their sockets, springs and coils popping off. I stood there and watched, like an idiot. It started to fall apart. Arms gone and finally no life left, it started to fall towards us.
Um Dags?... I think we should run...
Don't know why my legs didn't work I was in shock I guess cuz sure enough I stood still watching the thing come towards us.
"AHHHHHhhhhhh...." and I closed my eyes. The ground shakes when the reaver hit the earth, and then it stops. After the cloud of red dust settles, I open my eyes. A couple feet in front of me was the Fel Reaver's head. Holy Crap Balls!!!! that was close!
That was the first time I've ever killed a Fel Reaver. Once you know where to hit it, it really isn't all that scary.

Got back up on Heady and out of Hellfire Peninsula we rode...
Next stop Netherstorm!!... Oh wait Zangarmarsh!