Right when we entered we were swarmed by guards. Little time to react to them I sent Dags first. Wrathstorm and they were pretty much all on the ground clutching onto whatever little life and limbs they had left. I grabbed one of the guards that were still breathing and asked where the bird went. "Al'ar, the Phoenix God, will never be killed by the hands of a lowly undead. Kael'thas Sunstrider will not allow you to leave his Keep. You will... never... leave... Tempest...Keep... alive...."
"Well that was dramatic enough. and I don't wanna kill the bird, I wanna capture it!"
We walked a little more down the hallway and into another room. Right above us was Al'ar. "Ohhh my stars!!! it's so beautiful!!!... I was in shock, I've never seen anything like it before in my life. It's so graceful as it circles around the room. The streams of pink it leaves behind it was amazing. I grab Dags arm while still watching Al'ar. "I want it Dags, help me get it please." He looks at me and nods, then turns and runs towards the ramp, and I follow.

Alright that wasn't working. Dags and I started to kill some Dragonhawks that were flying around the platform. All of a sudden Al'ar lets out an ear piercing screech... I cover my ears and turn around. Al'ar was coming straight for us. Dags turns and starts to slice away. "Don't hit it to hard Dags!... I need to figure out how to catch it. I tried to grab it with my bare hands but this bird was made of some kind of magic flame. Well this isn't working. I still tried to talk to him but he seemed like he still wanted to kill us. I pulled Dags completely off of the bird and told him to wait up the ramp. When Dags left, Al'ar ended up spitting out a fireball and from it grew a baby Al'ar. "OMG I want that one!" I yelled. This one ended up trying to kill me as well. I started to get so upset I was tearing up. Not because I was getting hurt, but because I can't get this bird. I want it so bad! I looked back up at Dags and he was itching to stop the birds from doing anymore harm to me, so I just waved for him to come and he came and he finished them both. Ashes was all that was left where Al'ar was killed. I sat down and Dags knew I was disappointed so he came and stood by me, close enough so I could rest my head on the side of his leg.
As I was getting up to leave a loud voice comes echoing through the Keep halls.
"Al'ar!!! Who dares enter my Keep and destroy my Phoenix. Ashes is all that is left!!! Come to me intruder. Come to me so I can see your face as I destroy you in the same manner as you have done my Phoenix." Demands the booming voice. I looked back at the pile of ashes where the bird died, and the ashes wasn't there anymore. Hmmm very interesting.
Alright Im curious to see what this dude looks like, and I KNOW Dags and I can take him. We made our way through the building and finally into his chambers. "My goodness, he doesn't look so tough. We got this Dags.
"So YOU Undead are who killed my Phoenix? You do not look like much, but then again, so did the other undead that ravaged my kingdom. You shall suffer the same fate as my people. I will derive much pleasure from this."
"Whoa!!! hold up Kael... whatever your name is. I didn't come in here to pick a fight with you, I just wanted to steal your bird."
"Well then a deal shall be made. I have taken back the ashes of my phoenix Al'ar and they will be yours to summon and ride at your will... IF you can defeat me."
"REALLY? I get the Ashes of Al'ar to keep for myself, and all I have to do is beat you up to a bloody pulp. Are you sure, cuz this seems like no brainer, you WILL lose"
"Naive little Undead Girl, you have no idea who I am. I AM PRINCE KAEL'THAS SUNSTRIDER. Lord of the Blood Elves. I cannot be defeated. If you seem so confident that you will defeat me, put your Demon up if you lose" Keal'thas begins to laugh.
"Dags, I know we can beat him. I'm gonna take that bet. You're not going anywhere OK." I feel faint at the thought of my next words to Kael'thas but Dags looks confident and ready for the fight.
"Very well. Goodbye Warlock!" says Kael'thas and he starts to throw all his magic at once. this didn't look good off the bat. I knew I was gonna need my Healthstones for this fight, so while Dags was keeping him busy, I created 3 of them. I tried to throw everything I had at him as well, but it was very difficult when he had a ton of stunning abilities. I couldn't move, cast, summon anything. I couldn't even cast Heath Funnel to heal Dags.
Screw this. I had just enough Demonic Fury to transform into Demon form. Sent Chaos Wave towards him and kept throwing Touch of Chaos. his health was going down very fast, but I ran out of Fury and Demon form faded. Kael'thas used Mind Control on me and made me turn against Dags. I was killing my own Demon!!!! I would be the reason why I just lost Dags. Dags was almost dead and after being mind controlled I would die shortly after.
Just as I thought I was done for, someone shouts from behind me "I'm coming Babyskully!!!!" an Orc Warrior comes charging from behind me interrupting Keal'thas' and breaking me free from his mind control. I consume my Healthstone, heal Dags a bit and use Shadow bolt and Soul fire on Kael'thas while he was focused on the Orc that came to my aid. He finally falls to the ground and I run over to him.
"I win, now give me the Ashes."

"Noooo! that wasn't my doing. You never stated I couldn't have help! Give me the ashes OR I will have Dags finish you off for sure!" I demand.
"Alright Warlock, take these ashes, keep her safe and keep her close. Many covet what you have just received" says Kael'thas as he disappears.

"Excuse me? do I know you? no I don't so don't call me baby... duuude! Thanks for helping me though"
"Babyskully?" the Orc says as he takes off his helm.
"My name is Deadskully" I tell him
"You look and sound exactly like my friend who came in here and fought Keal'thas with me. I got mind controlled.... and I ended up killing her past the point of resurrection. I told myself I was going to get better at fighting and come back in here and KILL Kael'thas myself for what he did. He's not dead you know. You actually let him go when he disappeared. He WILL be back, and when he does, I will come back here, and keep doing so until he is no longer breathing, or until he agrees to bring my Babyskully back to me. I can't get past that you look just like her *sigh* My name is Kryptovus by the way" says the Orc.

As I'm walking out I turn back to the Orc and see him kneeling down, running his hand on the ground. I was assuming where she had died... that's sad. Then he turns back to me, "You know, Babyskully was the only one who ever called me Krypt, it's nice to hear it again in her voice and from her face".
I'm sure I will be hearing from Kryptovus again. If he cared so much about her and felt that I look and sound like her, he will need that fix. The empty void that she left. He walks around aimless not knowing what to do with himself because she's gone. But knowing that there is someone out there that can help ease the pain a bit is enough. If Keal'thas was able to give me something that was killed, Im sure he can give Krypt back Babyskully. And I will help in anyway possible, after all he DID save me from losing Dags... by my own hands.
I ran Tempest Keep with Krypt and Babyskully actually.
Ashes dropped, and Krypt passed!!!!
He passed, who the fuck passes on Ashes?!?!?!