Click to read: "New Friend Bageezus"

I went to see what it was. A turtleshell!! COOLNESS!!! Just to be silly I stuck it on my head. It kind of fit perfectly. Sweet!!! and although Dags used his blade to swipe it out of the mud, I didn't see a scratch on it. Hmmm not only will this protect my hair from getting messed up but it'll keep my head safe from harm too! I felt like I could do anything with the turtleshell on my head.
I tried to think of some dangerous stuff I could do with this. I GOT IT!!! I was always fearful of the bridges leading to the different rises in ThunderBluff. I got out Heady, my Headless Horseman mount, and flew to Two Moons. One good thing so far with this shell is that it doesn't get my pigtails all frizzy while flying. Keeps hair under control... check!

When we got to Two Moons, I went into the main hall and looked up. "Perfect!" I told Dags and pointed to the balcony. "I'ma jump off of that!"
Normally when I go up there, It's only to get to the other side to get to the Portals really quick and I just use Demonic Leap and I make it to the other side balcony unscathed.
This time, I'm jumping straight down.

"Shut up you jerks, mind your own business!!" I yell back... and they all laugh.
A little embarassed, but that wasn't gonna stop me from seeing if this turtleshell was gonna keep me safe.
Alright, here goes nothin... and I jump. In mid jump I thought this 'turtleshell won't protect my legs from breaking'... "Ohhhhh Crrrraaaapppp!!!"
I landed! and I was still in tact!..."Woot it did protect me!" I shout.
"Um that wasn't a far drop little lady... and nice hat by the way" says a Panda.

So the bridges in ThunderBluff, going to the rises have always terrified me. It was never a heights issue cuz I can fly far above it. It was just the idea of a Bridge made of nothing but rope and planks of wood that sway in the breeze high above the ground. And the thought of it just snapping and me going splat on the ground scared the crap out of me. OK Dags, we'll go there and I will overcome my fear, and this shell will help.
We go through the portal and it puts us in the Pools of Vision cave inside The Spirits Rise. I get back on Heady and we fly out. I have him land at the start of the bridge going back to Spirits Rise. "mmkay Dags, lets go" Dags was following so close and I was moving so slow clutching on to the side of the bridge. A Tauren Runetotem guard was coming the opposite direction. He laughed as he passed. I felt terrible yet again and told Dags I wanted to go back. He helped me back to the start of the bridge and I sat for a bit trying to get up the courage to just get this over with. My mind started to fight with myself. The bridge NEVER broke before and so many walk over it every single day... stop being a whimp!, suck it up!, and just walk over the damn bridge you big baby! Turtleshell protection!!!
I can't!
Just as I was about to give up a glowy Panda appears in front of me. "Oh My God, is anyone seeing this freakyness happening right now? Hey! you're the Panda from Two Moons! but you're all ghostly and stuff now? did you try to jump off the balcony too?... did you die?" I ask the ghost looking Panda.
"No Deadskully I didn't die. Walk with me. I am but a figment of your imagination. You created someone to try and help you get over this hurdle. Minor hurdle really, and I am here to help you. And the only reason why you are seeing me in spectral form is because I can only manifest in solid form in Pandaria. Old World is not my land. When you saw me in Two moons I wasn't trying to be mean, or sarcastic. That really wasn't a far jump at all and I really like the turtleshell helmet you have. I need to find me one. Someday. And all that talking, look where we are. You walked the whole length of the bridge without injury and without thinking terrible thoughts of you falling and breaking every single bone in your little undead body."
"Oh My Goodness creepy ghost panda! you're right. WOOT!!!. I did it, we did it. I don't know what I was so worried about.
As I turned to thank the panda he was gone. A smoke cloud dissipated right where he stood.
I smile at the cloud and say "thank you" anyway. I look at Dags point at the cloud and he nods as well... That's how I knew Dags saw him too and I wasn't going completely nuts. Well only slightly nuts I guess.
Whatever!!! I walked over the bridge!!! I was so excited about it, I ran back over the bridge just because I could.
I smile at the cloud and say "thank you" anyway. I look at Dags point at the cloud and he nods as well... That's how I knew Dags saw him too and I wasn't going completely nuts. Well only slightly nuts I guess.
Whatever!!! I walked over the bridge!!! I was so excited about it, I ran back over the bridge just because I could.
This Turtleshell Helmet is hilarious. I've done dungeons and LFRs with it on.
too funny.