Oh how I love Windy. She is my new Drake I got from the 200 Tol Barad Commendations from helping Hellscream's Reach dudes. She is a Drake of the West Wind and she is just gorgeous. She has lightning sparking all through her body.

We were perched on a chain overlooking the Valley of Strength, just enjoying the view. This was my first day with Windy so didn't want to over work her right off the bat. Albie and Violet can tell you how over worked I can make them especially while I'm doing Archeology.

I hear loud craziness going on behind us, so I had Windy turn around. We started to watch an Affliction Warlock practice his Spell rotation on the Heroic target dummies. He was hitting very hard. I currently am a destruction warlock, but I have dabbled in Affliction a while back. I tried to take notes but I could tell that Windy was getting impatient and didn't want to be stuck there any longer.

Away we flew and I had just let Windy go where ever she wanted to go, unless it was to fly somewhere ridiculous, then I would take control. It looks like she was thirsty because she stops off in front of a waterfall and takes a drink. She must have been really thirsty because we were there for a while. Come to think of it, Albie and Violet hardly stopped for drinks.

Now that got me thinking about how much of a horrible master I am. Well the next time I take them out I defiantly will stop off at a water hole or something. I love Windy, she is so beautiful and I am so proud to be riding around on her.