Monday, May 16, 2011

Outside the Orgrimmar Front Gate

I was feeling pretty down in the dumps one day and just decided to sit at the top of the Orgrimmar front gate on one of the construction boards sticking out. I swear I wasn't planning on jumping but I guess it looked that way because several nice sumaritains stopped to see if I was alright. "I'm fine just enjoying the view" was my response to first 3 and by the last 2 I didn't even give them a chance to ask anything, "I'm alright, seriously, I'm not planning to go splat anytime soon" was my quick response. And of course you get the jerks that stand at the bottom yelling "jump!, jump! do it! JUMP!" Why can't someone just sit somewhere dangerous and not get hastled for it? *sigh*.
I could not enjoy the piece and quiet and the scenery so I decided to go down to the ground and watch the duels. I do not participate in any of it. I would get one shotted and fail miserably. Embarassing stuff seriously. An Orc Warrior asked me if I wanted to duel and I kindly declined. His mace was big and scary, I wanted no part of that. I asked him what his weapon was and he said it was Akirus the worm breaker from Blackwing Decent. But he wasn't mean and he didn't call me chicken or anything. Believe me, I've had my fair share of /chicken in the past.
I got bored really quick with that so I went wandering over to Gorrash's training camp. Not much going on there but it was really neat to see how much his men... and women, were awesome with the bow and arrows. Arrows were hitting the dead center of the targets. I wish I had that awesome aim.  But my training as a Warlock never required me to need to use one of those. We both are ranged but I hit with spells which in my opinion is waaay more bad ass. hehehe.
Now I want to say they were training in shifts because there was some dude just sleeping on he ground at the camp under one of the huts. Maybe he was drunk, but he didn't even bother lying down in the hammock. He was conked out right next to it. Who knows, maybe he fell out of it. He was still breathing, and snoring so I knew he wasn't dead.  Maybe the ground was more comfortable then the hammock.
Eh nothing else to do around here besides killing Scorpids just for the hell of it. But I was feeling nice so I decided to let them all live. For now,