I think I need to find another boyfriend/Husband. I haven't seen Bageezus for going on 2 months. Has he forgotten about me? Did he find another girlfriend and he has no time for me anymore? Has he found another Tauren Druid female that he has more in common with? no time for boney old Skully. Is he even still alive? Geebs, that was horrible, why did I even think about that.
I sat down by the gross lake in the slums and started to day dream. I'm sad. If it wasn't for my friends I think I would have a breakdown. If he is ok I think I need a divorce and I need to find me another boney Undead boyfriend.

I was in the bank in Orgrimmar yesterday and I started chatting with an Undead Warlock named Meyers. He was really nice. He has his own guild with his friends. They don't do much but just hang out and share the guild bank for extra bank space for each of them. I would love to date a guild leader. So dreamy. Maybe it's the power thing that I like. *sigh*
Bageezus who?