OMG I am so upset. I got up this morning and checked my mailbox and I got a letter from Christene. She had run into Bageezus yesterday. She knew I was looking for him for over 3 months now because of all my crying and whining I've been doing. Apparently when she asked him where the heck he was he didn't remember. The first thought that came to my head was "TYPICAL GUY THING TO SAY!"

He said the last thing he remembers was flying to Netherstorm and was hit by lightning, fell off the wyvren, missed the side of the cliff and kept falling. He hit a rock slab, blacked out and the next thing he remembered was waking up near Area 52 at the graveyard. He had no idea who he was and anything about himself. All he remembered was about an hour before that accident happened. He knew it was around The Love is in the Air festival because of all the decorations around Shattrath. He was there to unlearn his Elixir Master spec and took the flight path to Stormspire to learn to be a Transmutation Master from Zarevhi. While in the flight path in Netherstorm he couldn't avoid the lightning storm because when the Wyvrens get orders from their flight masters they don't stray away from the flight paths they were told to take.

That does actually explain why I haven't heard from him since then. I should have known something was wrong but my insecurities got the best of me and I thought the worst. Actually this IS the worst. He doesn't even remember me! his own wife for cripes sake. I know I should be more broken up about it but I've had over 3 months to get used to not having him around. I don't think I'll try to find him again. Just knowing he's alright and alive is good enough. I've done my fair share of crying and it's time to move on. I really hope I don't see him again because it will bring up a lot of memories and make it that much harder when he looks at me and doesn't say anything because he doesn't even know who I am. Anywhos, her letter ended with her asking to meet me on the top of The Orgrimmar front gate at noon so we can talk more. she had a bit more to tell me.

Noon came around and we met up at the gate. I knew she was hesitant to tell me more about the conversation between them. I reassured her that nothing she says can make me feel worse so lay it on me. When Christene asked him if he remembered his wife at all, he said no. He felt bad and asked her maybe if he spent time with me that would bring back his memory. "he offered to ride me around Orgrimmar to try to find you, but you where nowhere in sight. We landed and he was still asking about me finding you or telling him where he can find you" Christene said. I'm so confused. I came to terms with the fact that Bageezus was dead or a cheating scumbag and I would never see him again and now he's back? Although he does want to see me with the hopes that it will bring his memory back but I don't want to take that chance and he being obligated to be my husband. It's better this way for the both of us if we never meet again. Azeroth is a huge place. What are the odds of us seeing each other again.