In May there is an event called Children's week. This is where people can choose to help out their local Orphanage and take a young child out for some adventures. I participated in this last year and went to the Silvermoon Orphanage to adopt a child for a week. I had a lot of fun last year so this year I decided to grab one from Orgrimmar. I walked in and Battlewail, the Orphanage Matron, was standing right outside the door welcoming people and setting them up with their child. I figured I would be getting an Orc or Troll kid considering where I was at. Last year I got a little bloodelf kid. Sure enough I got a little Orc this time and he was very timid at first. We played a bit outside the Orphanage with dragon kites and foam swords. His name as Lito. I can't even remember the name of my buddy from last year was, I wanna say Verica, or Veri... something. Anywhos nevermind about that. So anyways, I had asked Lito where he wanted to go first. He said he wanted to go see Gorrash Hellscream. "Are you serious?" That dude is a jerk, of course I didn't say that, but I was darn well thinking it. *sigh*, fine. So I put on a smile and said "ok" we got in my rocket mount and off to Grommash Hold we went. Apparently a lot of the kids were wanting to go visit with Gorrash because when we got there, a bunch of them were leaving. We walked up to Gorrash and Lito introduced himself and then introduced me. Gorrash was very warm and gentle with Lito. It acually surprised me. He even asked Lito of he wanted to sit on his throne. We spent a good 15 minutes in there and then Gorrash had some work to do so we left. The softer side of Gorrash still didn't make he like him better then Thrall tho.

Alright now off to our next adventure. Lito wanted to ride the Goblin track in Azshara. That was something I would enjoy doing as well. I've rode the thing only once, when it was first built. We mounted up on a rocket that was provided for us. Half way through, he wanted me to do tricks with the rocket. So I did some low risk stunts, nothing that would endanger the little guy. I mean, I have to be careful and bring him back in one piece. He seemed to like the baby tricks I did, so that was all good. We reached the other end and Lito didn't look so hot. I took him down from the tower and he sat on the grass for a little bit. I brought him some water and he drank it. Poor thing, he got sick. I asked if he wanted to go back home and he said he wanted to go one more place. He wanted to go see Lady Sylvannas in Undercity. That was an easy one. So off to the Eastern Kingdoms we went.

When we got to Undercity Lito was still not feeling all that well. I think he gets motion sickness. So we decided to walk around rather then ride on a mount. We walked into Lady Sylvannas' lair and Lito was so smitten that he couldn't say anything. I didn't expect her to remember me, It's been ages since I saw her last but she did remember me. "Deadskully!... How are you?, It's been forever since I saw you last!" and she greeted me with a hug, and gave Lito a hug and asked what his name was. I guess he was still feeling sick and then he became nauseaus I'm assuming from how nervous he was because he ends up jumping off the stairs and puking. OMG that wasn't good. I'm glad he had enough sense to not puke on the Banshee Queen... haha. I apologized and she was fine with it. Had one of her guards clean it up. We kept that visit short because it was getting late and I needed to get him back to the Orphanage. Luckly there was a mage there with us visiting with her orphan and so I asked for a Mage port to Org and she was nice enough to open one for us. Back to the Orphanage. I explained to Matron Battlewail what had happened and she was fine with it. Lito gave me a hug and ran right to his bunk bed.