OK, I know this sounds really really selfish but with Medelys and Christene hanging out more and more, I'm kind of feeling left out. I try to tell myself that I shouldn't even be feeling this way because they are sisters and I was the one who wanted them to bond and crap. I know I'll get over it but lately I've been feeling more and more slightly jealous. Yeah I said slightly.

I now know how Medelys felt when I was off with Bageezus 24/7. But with Bageezus spending more time raiding with his guild I never get to see him. I should change my title from "Loremaster Deadskully" to "Deadskully the Jealous" ... Geez that even has a good ring to it.
I'm never going to vent my gripes about this to her because I hate myself for even having these feelings. I mean come on, that is her sister for crying out loud. I'm happy for her that she is reconnecting with her sister don't get me wrong, but there is no time for Skully and I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Sorry, just needed to vent. It's ok...
Come on Abatai, lets go beat up some target dummys.