I was running around Org one day doing my daily cooking task and I ran into Christene. She had stopped me because she had asked me if I've seen Medelys. She hadn't seen her for going on two days now. She was running low on gold and decided to go down to Uldum and farm some pyrite an elementium ore to sell on the auction house, I told her. "Ohhh, we'll that explains it, she could have just asked me, I would have given her what she needed", I know right, I said the same thing, but this is Medelys we're talkin about here. and we both laugh.

We were about to say goodbye when we look back and see Zhar'gak, my voidwalker, and Rory, her water elemenal playing together. That was too cute! so we decided to take a break and sit down on the edge of the pond and chit chat for a bit longer and let them have fun. I think they deserve it. We tend to take our pets for granted a little and make them work extremely hard and overlook the fact that they might like to have fun sometimes as well. They are not going to say anything because they're more focused on protecting us and not so much on the free time they are getting. I like to think that Zhar'gak is a much better minion then Rory. Zhar'gak keeps the bad guys back long enough for me to kill them before they come near me and Rory does damage from Christene's side and that has more chances of the bad guys running up to the both of them and hitting them from close range. I love Zhar'gak and I was glad to see he was having fun with his new friend.