Monday, September 22, 2014

Brewfest drunkeness

[Brewfest Sept 20-Oct 6]
Medelys' adventure at Brewfest

What's with all the bubbling beer deco around Org?
"Hey you! is there an event happening?" Medelys' asked Kiro, a vendor in org.
"ahaha, um have you been living under a rock or something? It's Brewfest! The tents are set up right out side the front gates. Just be careful though, you might get trampled by Brewfest rams running all over the place"
"ahhh ok thanks"
Medelys got on her mount and flew off to check it out. "Frick yeah, I found it!"
She landed and got off her charger.
"What the crap!!!" she says in shock of what just went by missing her by a couple of feet. A HUGE YAK!!!! Ok the chick back there said there were rams, not yaks. and she never said they were friggen as big as a damn house!...

"WATCH WHERE YA YOU GOING YA JERK!!!" Medelys yells. the Goblin riding the yak just looks back and laughs. "great already annoyed with this place" She turns around and heads for the Brewfest gathering.
Sure enough as she's making her way across the road she has to dodge those damn rams. Looks like that's an event game or something. A bunch of people are lined up across the way with whips in their hands. "Meh, maybe I'll go play that later, I don't know about whipping the rams though".

First person she saw was Brewfest Organizer Tapper Swindlekeg. "Welcome to Brewfest my lovely. Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." he says.
"thanks! so this being Brewfest and all, where can I get drunk?" "Well my sweet, this being Brewfest and all, you can get it anywhere. Vendors at the tents have special brew but just grab a mug off the tables and there are kegs set up around."
"Ohh nice!"
She found a mug and as she was getting ready to fill it from a keg, the ground starts to shake.
"The Dark Iron is here!!! Everyone pelt them with ale mugs. Chase them back, hurry!" yells the Brewfest patrons.
Alrightee... She filled the mug that was in her hand and threw it at a Dark Iron Dwarf knocking him out. "Ahahaha that was hilarious... have another!!!" she yells. The amount of mole machines popping up are slowing down now. The Dark Iron that were left are taking their knocked out friends back into the machines. When all the mole machines are gone everyone cheers and the staff are so grateful they offer everyone free booze and 10 Brewfest tokens that are used to purchase prizes. "Fricken Awesome!!! FREE BOOZE!!!"
Medelys went to a see what the vendors had for sale. "Oh my god, I need that!" as she pointed to a beer hat. "Are you sure you can handle this little girl?" says the vendor.
"Can you handle me beating you with my mace fat Orc?" was her snotty reply.
"alright, alright, just making sure. Wouldn't be the first time a little Blood Elf thinks she can handle the hat".
"Whatever, I can handle it"
She puts on the hat with the 2 cans of brew, puts both straws in her mouth and drinks.
"oh good god that's refreshing". a little tipsy but not fully drunk she gets up on the table. "alright boys who wants to watch me dance!?!?... anyone?... noone?... you guys suck... I'm hot!... whatever!" as she gets down from the table she realizes her hat getting a bit light, she needed a refill. She went to the distillery this time and the apprentice there was much nice then then the beer hat seller dude. even let her sell booze with them for a bit. Along with her hat refill she got another mug.
Went to sit down and drink it.
Got hungry so she found Bron the sausage vendor and wanted to buy food. "What do you mean you only take gold. I have Brewfest tokens only. You're a vendor in Brewfest! take my money!" Med demands.
"I'm an Orgrimmar vendor you little drunk brat. I'm just selling my product at this event. Gold or no sausage." says Bron.
"Fine! your sausages are probably tiny anyways" and she leaves his tent. "They are average size!" yells Bron.
Medelys turns around and holds up her pinky finger. "riiight!"
Bron gets mad and throws his ham at her head. She falls down, gets up and was about to throw the ham back at him, but realizes she just got free food.  Ha!
That ham to the head got her all dizzy. might have made the booze work faster. She needed to walk away from all the loud craziness of the fest.
She left the Brewfest grounds, and her vision was still blurry but she could see something hopping towards her... "Um what the.... what the hell is that!?!?!" it started coming at her faster. A bunny with antlers, wings, and sharp teeth. "Ahhhhhh...." she turned around and ran as fast as her drunk wobbly legs could take her. She didn't want to kill it she needed to show someone what she just found.
She's never seen anything like it before. she remembered Deadskully gave her a bunch of Netherweave nets the other day because she wanted to catch some fireflies down in Zangarmarsh.
She stopped, turned around and threw the net at it. "hahahaha, you creepy little bastard! I got you!" She walked over to it, scooped it up and stuck it in her bag. "ugh I'm so over this place."
She got out Tyreal, her charger, and took off back to Orgrimmar.
Her whole ride back to Org, she regretted ever getting the booze hat and drinking so much.
She went to the Inn in the Valley of Honor and wanted to just sleep the rest of the day off. She saw the stairs and said "Well shit that idea, I ain't making it up those stairs" so she left and went to another hut in the Valley of Strength.
Saw hammocks inside and no stairs to get to them. Nice! she climbed up and went to sleep. I wonder if she was aware that the hut she walked unto belonged to the Kor'kron.