Haven't seen Medelys in a very long time, so I decided to send her a letter. It was a very quick letter just saying that I missed her and we needed to catch up. It's been about 2 months since I saw her last and about a month since I wrote her.

As I wrote the letter I had no idea how she would react to it. The response I got was defiantly not what I was expecting. Actually, this reaction was extremely far from anything I had anticipated.

As I read the letter from Medelys I had Zhar'gak by my side. I think it was a good thing because I didn't want to seem like a wuss in front of my minion, so there was a lot of tears and hurt getting all backed up inside me.

After reading the letter I just stood there in silence not sure of what to say or where to go. The letter was sent recently because I checked my mailbox no more then 30 minutes ago. I was just hoping Medelys wasn't anywhere in Orgrimmar still where I would run into her. I might cry then, or get a slap in the face, or punched in the eye, or stabbed in the midsection. Stop thinking of the hurtful ways she could injure me. Dammit... I need to put Zhar'gak away and go find someplace to cry.
I started to think about Bageezus all over again and how if he was here, he could make me feel better. I found my way into the Inn and curled up on a bed and then the tears started to pour out. I cried for a good ten minutes and then I couldn't cry anymore. My poor undead eyes gave all the tears they could. But my last thoughts before I drifted off into dreamland were of Bageezus. Maybe I do need to find him again....