I finally got one! I know I know, I'm really late on this one. I ran into Serogate yesterday and we were talking about passenger mounts and he mentioned that he could make one. The Mechano-hog. Ah yes, I totally forgot he was an Engineer. You need reputation with the Horde Expedition in order to buy it. Kilmecow my Tauren Death Knight friend is an Engineer as well, but she hasn't been helping out the Horde Expedition down in Grizzly Hills so she can't buy the schematics from them just yet.

All I needed to do was get the materials for Serogate to make my chopper. I did so much research as to how I could get them for the cheapest way possible. I checked the Auction House for prices of the Mechano-Hog straight, then looked at the cost of some of the materials that you can buy from people that make them and added them up with the mats you need to purchase from a special vendor and see what I came up with. I would actually be spending more if bought all the mats. /sigh I wish I was still talking to Medelys at that point. She would have been able to make me my titansteel bars that I needed, and those are very expensive. Christene was in the bank at the same time as I was, she is a Miner also so she can make me those bars. I asked her and she said sure. She had a bunch of titanium ore from farming in Northrend a while back and she never did anything with them. I paid her of course but she didn't charge me the full price of what they were worth on the auction house.
Anywhos, bottom line is, I got my Mechano-Hog finally and I paid waaay less then what I was expecting to pay for it. Thank You Serogate and Christene.